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  • An integer value can be defined as one or more consecutive digits.
  • If you see a panic: error when running the tests, this is because you have not implemented one of the functions (it should say which one) or you have left the boilerplate in place. You need to remove the panic(...) line from the supplied code and replace it with a real implementation.

1. Define the expected oven time in minutes

  • You need to define a constant and assign it the expected oven time in minutes.
  • If you see an undefined: OvenTime error then double check that you have the constant defined.
  • If you see an invalid operation: got != tt.expected (mismatched types float64 and int) error then you have likely put a decimal point into the OvenTime causing Go to infer the type as a floating point number. Remove the decimal and the type will be inferred as an int.
  • If you see a syntax error: non-declaration statement outside function body error then it is likely that you forgot the const keyword.
  • If you see a syntax error: unexpected :=, expecting = error then you are likely trying to assign the constant using := like a variable; constants are assigned using = not :=.

2. Calculate the remaining oven time in minutes

3. Calculate the preparation time in minutes

4. Calculate the elapsed working time in minutes