Daniel Siepmann danielsiepmann
Daniel Siepmann synced commits to refs/pull/1399/head at danielsiepmann/tea from mirror 2024-07-30 19:58:33 +02:00
fd1bf96839 Update Environment.rst
Daniel Siepmann synced commits to 1120-add-a-command-to-create-test-data at danielsiepmann/tea from mirror 2024-07-30 19:58:33 +02:00
5e40f6f105 Fix broken functional test
Daniel Siepmann synced commits to 972-allow-running-the-javascript-quality-checks-via-runtestssh at danielsiepmann/tea from mirror 2024-07-30 19:58:33 +02:00
282c50c35b [TASK] Rename lintStyle to lintCss
85c05b33c2 [FEATURE] Allow running npm based quality checks via runTests.sh
cd6df41eb7 [TASK] Rename npm commands to fit general naming scheme (#1404)
8e592adba7 [TASK] Add more development documentation (#1399)
c68c72096c [TASK] Remove no longer needed path to binaries (#1383)
Compare 5 commits »
Daniel Siepmann synced commits to feature/usePhpParallelLint at danielsiepmann/tea from mirror 2024-07-30 19:58:33 +02:00
e3c502ad81 Update composer.json
3b89713286 [TASK] add composer update and caching to lint job
Compare 2 commits »
Daniel Siepmann synced commits to main at danielsiepmann/tea from mirror 2024-07-30 19:58:33 +02:00
cd6df41eb7 [TASK] Rename npm commands to fit general naming scheme (#1404)
8e592adba7 [TASK] Add more development documentation (#1399)
Compare 2 commits »
Daniel Siepmann synced commits to refs/pull/1297/head at danielsiepmann/tea from mirror 2024-07-30 19:58:33 +02:00
5e40f6f105 Fix broken functional test
Daniel Siepmann synced commits to refs/pull/1297/merge at danielsiepmann/tea from mirror 2024-07-30 19:58:33 +02:00
5e40f6f105 Fix broken functional test
cd6df41eb7 [TASK] Rename npm commands to fit general naming scheme (#1404)
8e592adba7 [TASK] Add more development documentation (#1399)
Compare 4 commits »
Daniel Siepmann synced commits to refs/pull/1378/head at danielsiepmann/tea from mirror 2024-07-30 19:58:33 +02:00
e3c502ad81 Update composer.json
3b89713286 [TASK] add composer update and caching to lint job
Compare 2 commits »
Daniel Siepmann synced commits to refs/pull/1378/merge at danielsiepmann/tea from mirror 2024-07-30 19:58:33 +02:00
e3c502ad81 Update composer.json
3b89713286 [TASK] add composer update and caching to lint job
cd6df41eb7 [TASK] Rename npm commands to fit general naming scheme (#1404)
8e592adba7 [TASK] Add more development documentation (#1399)
Compare 5 commits »
Daniel Siepmann synced commits to refs/pull/1391/merge at danielsiepmann/tea from mirror 2024-07-30 19:58:33 +02:00
321746c1bd Merge cd68b6bb7765f178323a05744c50b7119a0b4e90 into cd6df41eb7
cd6df41eb7 [TASK] Rename npm commands to fit general naming scheme (#1404)
8e592adba7 [TASK] Add more development documentation (#1399)
Compare 3 commits »
Daniel Siepmann synced commits to refs/pull/1396/head at danielsiepmann/tea from mirror 2024-07-30 19:58:33 +02:00
282c50c35b [TASK] Rename lintStyle to lintCss
85c05b33c2 [FEATURE] Allow running npm based quality checks via runTests.sh
cd6df41eb7 [TASK] Rename npm commands to fit general naming scheme (#1404)
8e592adba7 [TASK] Add more development documentation (#1399)
c68c72096c [TASK] Remove no longer needed path to binaries (#1383)
Compare 5 commits »
Daniel Siepmann synced commits to refs/pull/1396/merge at danielsiepmann/tea from mirror 2024-07-30 19:58:33 +02:00
471db27397 Merge 282c50c35ba15d2a9036e2eadafc60f50f8e547d into cd6df41eb7
282c50c35b [TASK] Rename lintStyle to lintCss
85c05b33c2 [FEATURE] Allow running npm based quality checks via runTests.sh
cd6df41eb7 [TASK] Rename npm commands to fit general naming scheme (#1404)
8e592adba7 [TASK] Add more development documentation (#1399)
Compare 5 commits »
Daniel Siepmann synced commits to refs/pull/1400/merge at danielsiepmann/tea from mirror 2024-07-30 19:58:33 +02:00
3dab5e14a3 Merge af694424c3db677998a639190364521596331c3c into cd6df41eb7
cd6df41eb7 [TASK] Rename npm commands to fit general naming scheme (#1404)
8e592adba7 [TASK] Add more development documentation (#1399)
Compare 3 commits »
Daniel Siepmann synced commits to refs/pull/1396/merge at danielsiepmann/tea from mirror 2024-07-30 19:38:32 +02:00
bf37a8a0dc Merge c6a24f646d14c6363f3dc7b17fddaed4a534d6a9 into c68c72096c
c6a24f646d [TASK] Rename lintStyle to lintCss
73b1e78b3f [FEATURE] Allow running npm based quality checks via runTests.sh
9bee5c6f35 [TASK] Rename npm commands to fit general naming scheme
c68c72096c [TASK] Remove no longer needed path to binaries (#1383)
Compare 5 commits »
Daniel Siepmann synced commits to refs/pull/1399/head at danielsiepmann/tea from mirror 2024-07-30 19:38:32 +02:00
1b0a35f943 Update Documentation/Environment.rst
cf521de58a Update Documentation/Environment.rst
Compare 2 commits »
Daniel Siepmann synced commits to refs/pull/1399/merge at danielsiepmann/tea from mirror 2024-07-30 19:38:32 +02:00
c68c72096c [TASK] Remove no longer needed path to binaries (#1383)
1b0a35f943 Update Documentation/Environment.rst
cf521de58a Update Documentation/Environment.rst
Compare 4 commits »
Daniel Siepmann synced commits to refs/pull/1400/merge at danielsiepmann/tea from mirror 2024-07-30 19:38:32 +02:00
02df472812 Merge af694424c3db677998a639190364521596331c3c into c68c72096c
c68c72096c [TASK] Remove no longer needed path to binaries (#1383)
Compare 2 commits »
Daniel Siepmann synced and deleted reference refs/tags/feature/removeBinDir at danielsiepmann/tea from mirror 2024-07-30 19:38:31 +02:00
Daniel Siepmann synced and deleted reference refs/tags/refs/pull/1383/merge at danielsiepmann/tea from mirror 2024-07-30 19:38:31 +02:00
Daniel Siepmann synced commits to 972-allow-running-the-javascript-quality-checks-via-runtestssh at danielsiepmann/tea from mirror 2024-07-30 19:38:31 +02:00
c6a24f646d [TASK] Rename lintStyle to lintCss
73b1e78b3f [FEATURE] Allow running npm based quality checks via runTests.sh
9bee5c6f35 [TASK] Rename npm commands to fit general naming scheme
48dfc14a15 [BUGFIX] Remove debug echo (#1401)
1571ef0cff [BUGFIX] No longer create not needed temp folder (#1394)
Compare 7 commits »
Daniel Siepmann synced commits to feature/addPhpMessDetector at danielsiepmann/tea from mirror 2024-07-30 19:38:31 +02:00
cd68b6bb77 [TASK] Better description
d3ba4f5eef [TASK] Normalize and remove not needed rules
6ea8699554 [TASK] Remove name related rules and add more rules
45a85b0b11 [TASK] add description and restrict to classes
33111717f1 Update composer.json
Compare 10 commits »
Daniel Siepmann synced commits to feature/fistStartDocumentation at danielsiepmann/tea from mirror 2024-07-30 19:38:31 +02:00
1b0a35f943 Update Documentation/Environment.rst
cf521de58a Update Documentation/Environment.rst
Compare 2 commits »
Daniel Siepmann synced commits to main at danielsiepmann/tea from mirror 2024-07-30 19:38:31 +02:00
c68c72096c [TASK] Remove no longer needed path to binaries (#1383)
Daniel Siepmann synced commits to refs/pull/1297/merge at danielsiepmann/tea from mirror 2024-07-30 19:38:31 +02:00
c68c72096c [TASK] Remove no longer needed path to binaries (#1383)
Compare 2 commits »
Daniel Siepmann synced commits to refs/pull/1360/merge at danielsiepmann/tea from mirror 2024-07-30 19:38:31 +02:00
1b74cd7306 Merge b551f7d8d1d456c83cbf9f2aaa48689e24c09180 into c68c72096c
c68c72096c [TASK] Remove no longer needed path to binaries (#1383)
48dfc14a15 [BUGFIX] Remove debug echo (#1401)
1571ef0cff [BUGFIX] No longer create not needed temp folder (#1394)
0dce81e9ca [FEATURE] Add composerUnused suite to runTests.sh (#1390)
Compare 7 commits »
Daniel Siepmann synced commits to refs/pull/1378/merge at danielsiepmann/tea from mirror 2024-07-30 19:38:31 +02:00
24838f36ed Merge 386f2c5e3e1a962779806d5cd3c57a6681edf067 into c68c72096c
c68c72096c [TASK] Remove no longer needed path to binaries (#1383)
Compare 2 commits »
Daniel Siepmann synced commits to refs/pull/1383/head at danielsiepmann/tea from mirror 2024-07-30 19:38:31 +02:00
97e9bacd69 [TASK] Remove no longer needed path to binaries
48dfc14a15 [BUGFIX] Remove debug echo (#1401)
Compare 2 commits »
Daniel Siepmann synced commits to refs/pull/1387/merge at danielsiepmann/tea from mirror 2024-07-30 19:38:31 +02:00
1f47a58b89 Merge b012c70311ed9ae047dff36c597cbf0e1112be08 into c68c72096c
c68c72096c [TASK] Remove no longer needed path to binaries (#1383)
Compare 2 commits »
Daniel Siepmann synced commits to refs/pull/1391/head at danielsiepmann/tea from mirror 2024-07-30 19:38:31 +02:00
cd68b6bb77 [TASK] Better description
d3ba4f5eef [TASK] Normalize and remove not needed rules
6ea8699554 [TASK] Remove name related rules and add more rules
45a85b0b11 [TASK] add description and restrict to classes
33111717f1 Update composer.json
Compare 10 commits »
Daniel Siepmann synced commits to refs/pull/1391/merge at danielsiepmann/tea from mirror 2024-07-30 19:38:31 +02:00
488f5dfe92 Merge cd68b6bb7765f178323a05744c50b7119a0b4e90 into c68c72096c
cd68b6bb77 [TASK] Better description
d3ba4f5eef [TASK] Normalize and remove not needed rules
6ea8699554 [TASK] Remove name related rules and add more rules
45a85b0b11 [TASK] add description and restrict to classes
Compare 10 commits »
Daniel Siepmann synced commits to refs/pull/1396/head at danielsiepmann/tea from mirror 2024-07-30 19:38:31 +02:00
c6a24f646d [TASK] Rename lintStyle to lintCss
73b1e78b3f [FEATURE] Allow running npm based quality checks via runTests.sh
9bee5c6f35 [TASK] Rename npm commands to fit general naming scheme
48dfc14a15 [BUGFIX] Remove debug echo (#1401)
1571ef0cff [BUGFIX] No longer create not needed temp folder (#1394)
Compare 7 commits »
Daniel Siepmann synced commits to refs/pull/1387/head at danielsiepmann/tea from mirror 2024-07-30 19:18:33 +02:00
b012c70311 [TASK] normalize
Daniel Siepmann synced commits to refs/pull/1387/merge at danielsiepmann/tea from mirror 2024-07-30 19:18:33 +02:00
c850202cf7 Merge b012c70311ed9ae047dff36c597cbf0e1112be08 into 48dfc14a15
b012c70311 [TASK] normalize
48dfc14a15 [BUGFIX] Remove debug echo (#1401)
Compare 3 commits »
Daniel Siepmann synced commits to refs/pull/1391/head at danielsiepmann/tea from mirror 2024-07-30 19:18:33 +02:00
22e82f1836 [TASK] Remove name related rules and add more rules
a803673c46 [TASK] add description and restrict to classes
4543f920dd Update composer.json
057b4c66f0 [FEATURE] normalize json
16e24b92a1 [FEATURE] Add php mess detector to ci
Compare 12 commits »
Daniel Siepmann synced commits to refs/pull/1391/merge at danielsiepmann/tea from mirror 2024-07-30 19:18:33 +02:00
7395170c73 Merge 22e82f183634e99985c1f3961c191a9af27590be into 48dfc14a15
22e82f1836 [TASK] Remove name related rules and add more rules
a803673c46 [TASK] add description and restrict to classes
4543f920dd Update composer.json
057b4c66f0 [FEATURE] normalize json
Compare 14 commits »
Daniel Siepmann synced commits to refs/pull/1399/merge at danielsiepmann/tea from mirror 2024-07-30 19:18:33 +02:00
48dfc14a15 [BUGFIX] Remove debug echo (#1401)
Compare 2 commits »
Daniel Siepmann synced commits to refs/pull/1400/head at danielsiepmann/tea from mirror 2024-07-30 19:18:33 +02:00
af694424c3 [WIP] Change for retriggering CI
Daniel Siepmann synced commits to refs/pull/1400/merge at danielsiepmann/tea from mirror 2024-07-30 19:18:33 +02:00
6a2d83701d Merge af694424c3db677998a639190364521596331c3c into 48dfc14a15
af694424c3 [WIP] Change for retriggering CI
48dfc14a15 [BUGFIX] Remove debug echo (#1401)
Compare 3 commits »
Daniel Siepmann synced commits to 1120-add-a-command-to-create-test-data at danielsiepmann/tea from mirror 2024-07-30 19:18:32 +02:00
9902677e84 [TASK] Add functional test for createTestDataCommand
7af57e0625 [TASK] Remove unnecessary is_int check of pageUid
f2fe703196 [TASK] Update reference index after changing test data
1262cfbb7b [TASK] use assert to state data restrictions
153c79b053 [TASK] Rename pageId to pageUid
Compare 16 commits »
Daniel Siepmann synced commits to 1398-check-the-runtestssh-with-shellcheck-in-github-actions at danielsiepmann/tea from mirror 2024-07-30 19:18:32 +02:00
af694424c3 [WIP] Change for retriggering CI
Daniel Siepmann synced commits to feature/addPhpCompatibility at danielsiepmann/tea from mirror 2024-07-30 19:18:32 +02:00
b012c70311 [TASK] normalize
Daniel Siepmann synced commits to feature/addPhpMessDetector at danielsiepmann/tea from mirror 2024-07-30 19:18:32 +02:00
22e82f1836 [TASK] Remove name related rules and add more rules
a803673c46 [TASK] add description and restrict to classes
4543f920dd Update composer.json
057b4c66f0 [FEATURE] normalize json
16e24b92a1 [FEATURE] Add php mess detector to ci
Compare 12 commits »
Daniel Siepmann synced commits to feature/removeBinDir at danielsiepmann/tea from mirror 2024-07-30 19:18:32 +02:00
0c41285103 [TASK] Remove no longer needed path to binaries
1571ef0cff [BUGFIX] No longer create not needed temp folder (#1394)
0dce81e9ca [FEATURE] Add composerUnused suite to runTests.sh (#1390)
8d80a25d43 [BUGFIX] Remove unavailable PHPUnit configuration option (#1395)
1a33abac95 [TASK] Clean up the unit tests configuration (#1389)
Compare 10 commits »
Daniel Siepmann synced commits to refs/pull/1297/head at danielsiepmann/tea from mirror 2024-07-30 19:18:32 +02:00
9902677e84 [TASK] Add functional test for createTestDataCommand
7af57e0625 [TASK] Remove unnecessary is_int check of pageUid
f2fe703196 [TASK] Update reference index after changing test data
1262cfbb7b [TASK] use assert to state data restrictions
153c79b053 [TASK] Rename pageId to pageUid
Compare 16 commits »
Daniel Siepmann synced commits to refs/pull/1297/merge at danielsiepmann/tea from mirror 2024-07-30 19:18:32 +02:00
9902677e84 [TASK] Add functional test for createTestDataCommand
7af57e0625 [TASK] Remove unnecessary is_int check of pageUid
f2fe703196 [TASK] Update reference index after changing test data
1262cfbb7b [TASK] use assert to state data restrictions
Compare 17 commits »
Daniel Siepmann synced commits to refs/pull/1378/merge at danielsiepmann/tea from mirror 2024-07-30 19:18:32 +02:00
fdc3f935f7 Merge 386f2c5e3e1a962779806d5cd3c57a6681edf067 into 48dfc14a15
48dfc14a15 [BUGFIX] Remove debug echo (#1401)
Compare 2 commits »
Daniel Siepmann synced commits to refs/pull/1381/merge at danielsiepmann/tea from mirror 2024-07-30 19:18:32 +02:00
48dfc14a15 [BUGFIX] Remove debug echo (#1401)
9324802ce3 [FEATURE] use paratest in runTests.sh
72788d8f5f Revert "[TASK] run tests in separate processes"
Compare 4 commits »
Daniel Siepmann synced commits to refs/pull/1383/head at danielsiepmann/tea from mirror 2024-07-30 19:18:32 +02:00
0c41285103 [TASK] Remove no longer needed path to binaries
1571ef0cff [BUGFIX] No longer create not needed temp folder (#1394)
0dce81e9ca [FEATURE] Add composerUnused suite to runTests.sh (#1390)
8d80a25d43 [BUGFIX] Remove unavailable PHPUnit configuration option (#1395)
1a33abac95 [TASK] Clean up the unit tests configuration (#1389)
Compare 10 commits »
Daniel Siepmann synced commits to refs/pull/1383/merge at danielsiepmann/tea from mirror 2024-07-30 19:18:32 +02:00
e4b9c11461 Merge 0c41285103d77a69695cbd2bc4c365e2a820a498 into 48dfc14a15
0c41285103 [TASK] Remove no longer needed path to binaries
48dfc14a15 [BUGFIX] Remove debug echo (#1401)
1571ef0cff [BUGFIX] No longer create not needed temp folder (#1394)
0dce81e9ca [FEATURE] Add composerUnused suite to runTests.sh (#1390)
Compare 10 commits »
Daniel Siepmann synced and deleted reference refs/tags/bugfix/typo3temp at danielsiepmann/tea from mirror 2024-07-30 18:58:32 +02:00