Vim Plugin to provide Syntax TypoScript (TYPO3 related)
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Elmar Hinz 2f882e7bce Merge pull request from cumuru/master
ADD: Support for capitalization of folder generated by extension builder
2016-05-01 09:36:24 +02:00
ftdetect ADD: Support for capitalization of folder generated by extension builder 2016-04-30 21:47:59 +02:00
syntax FIX: Block comments have to be the first non-space on their line 2016-04-30 20:55:12 +02:00
LICENSE MIT License 2014-09-25 06:19:40 +02:00 Fixing more README typos 2014-09-25 06:54:47 +02:00


Syntax highlighting for the unbeatable vim text editor


Bundle Installation

  • Patogen: clone into your .vim/bundle/ directory
  • Vundle: not tested yet
  • Neobundle: not tested yet


Put the files into the appropriate directories. Not tested yet.

Your Experiance

Please report, if you sucessfully used one of the untested installation methodes. Even better, clone the repo, update this file, add others as needed, send a pull request.

What makes it unique?

Comparism to other vim syntax highlighting for TypoScript:

  • Others: Exessive use of keywords to detect the higlighted items.
  • This: Syntax analyses by use regular experessions to detect the items.

Future improvement: Merge best of both worlds.


I have done this, to learn VimScript and vim bundle building.


MIT License. See the LICENSE file.