Daniel Siepmann e782687068
Streamline cursor theme
Some apps use different sources.
I setup xresources and ensure there is only one icon theme (includes

This uses the single source of truth, thanks to nix / home-manager.

Except snap packages, those still don't work.
2022-05-22 17:51:01 +02:00

26 lines
933 B

{ config, pkgs }:
services = {
# Temporary fix to OpenGL issue by using GLX.
# Start nextcloud without GLX support which is fine for me for noe.
# I don't have a better way for now, then using `pkgs.lib.mkForce` and setting whole value (repeating from modules/services/nextcloud-client.nix).
nextcloud-client.Service.Environment = pkgs.lib.mkForce [
batteryicon = import ./services/batteryicon.nix {
inherit pkgs;
tmpfiles.rules = [
"L ${config.home.homeDirectory}/.themes - - - - ${config.home.profileDirectory}/share/themes"
"L ${config.home.homeDirectory}/.icons/default - - - - ${config.home.profileDirectory}/share/icons/${}"
"L ${config.home.homeDirectory}/.local/share/applications - - - - ${config.home.profileDirectory}/share/applications"