Daniel Siepmann bfb5e08460
Move custom packages out of overlays
No need for overlays.
Instead create own packages and call them via callPackage.
That will keep them simpler and allows dependency injection.
I can follow existing patterns from nixpkgs, etc.
2022-05-24 18:50:10 +02:00

36 lines
969 B

# TODO: Stop all software before logout
# See:
# guess i3lock via nix points to other PAM and therefore does not identify by password
chosen=$(echo -e "lock\nsuspend\nlogout" | dmenu -i)
case "$chosen" in
pkill -u "$USER" -USR1 dunst
i3lock -c '#2E3436'
pkill -u "$USER" -USR2 dunst
pkill -u "$USER" -USR1 dunst
i3lock -c '#2E3436'
systemctl suspend
pkill -u "$USER" -USR2 dunst
i3-msg exit
# Not supported, seems to complicated and not recommended with ssh
# "hibernate")
# pkill -u "$USER" -USR1 dunst
# i3lock -c '#2E3436'
# systemctl suspend
# pkill -u "$USER" -USR2 dunst
# ;;
exit 0