Daniel Siepmann b3ad833ac1
Switch from ag(silver sarcher) to rg
It looks like the more up to date and established tool.
It looks like a faster tool.
It can be used by telescope neovim plugin to find files.
It supports an .ignore file in combination with .gitignore for more fine
grained setup.
2023-10-19 07:53:14 +02:00

143 lines
2.5 KiB

{ pkgs }:
enable = true;
userName = "Daniel Siepmann";
userEmail = "";
signing = {
key = "15560EF4";
signByDefault = true;
aliases = {
c = "checkout";
ss = "show -s";
s = "status -s";
dc = "diff --cached";
sc = "switch -c";
st = "switch -t";
com = "commit";
ri = "rebase -i";
rc = "rebase --continue";
fap = "fetch --all --prune";
rh = "reset --hard";
cp = "cherry-pick";
lg = "log --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset %an: %s - %Creset %C(yellow)%d%Creset %Cgreen(%cr)%Creset' --abbrev-commit --date=relative";
ignores = [
# Some files which might be generated by system or tools
# As I'm using nix-shell in many projects for my own confidence
# Some generics which occur in some projects
# PHP Specific
# TYPO3 documentation specific
# Customer specific
diff-so-fancy = {
enable = true;
markEmptyLines = false;
stripLeadingSymbols = false;
useUnicodeRuler = false;
extraConfig = {
advice = {
detachedHead = false;
branch = {
autosetuprebase = "always";
color = {
diff = "auto";
status = "auto";
branch = "auto";
interactive = "auto";
ui = "auto";
core = {
whitespace = "-blank-at-eol,-space-before-tab,-indent-with-non-tab,-tab-in-indent,-blank-at-eof,-trailing-space-,cr-at-eol";
# Not possible right now, due to: for onw customer project
# diff = {
# noprefix = true;
# };
pager = {
branch = false;
show = false;
grep = {
lineNumber = true;
help = {
autocorrect = 1;
init = {
defaultBranch = "main";
push = {
default = "current";
gpgSign = "if-asked";
pull = {
rebase = true;
rebase = {
autoStash = true;
merge = {
ff = true;
tool = "nvimdiff4";
"mergetool \"nvimdiff4\"" = {
cmd = "nvim -d $LOCAL $BASE $REMOTE $MERGED -c '$wincmd w' -c 'wincmd J' -c 'diffoff'";