Daniel Siepmann 6d5f3cc626
Initial add Pidgin for IM
I've added the following myself:

* mattermost
* purple-signald (waiting for
* purple-events
* purple-libnotify

and added slack from nixpkgs.
I'm also trying to make signal integration work.

Not sure whether I'll keep pidgin, as I expect video calls from within
slack not to work.
But would be cool to have a single open source messenger instead of x
instances of chromium as wrapper around closed source web applications.
2022-08-26 13:19:09 +02:00

60 lines
943 B

{ config, pkgs }:
sqlformat = pkgs.callPackage ./packages/sqlformat {
in {
# Let Home Manager install and manage itself.
home-manager.enable = true;
neovim = import ./programs/neovim.nix {
inherit pkgs sqlformat;
git = import ./programs/git.nix {
inherit pkgs;
htop = import ./programs/htop.nix {
inherit config;
tmux = import ./programs/tmux.nix {
inherit pkgs;
jq = import ./programs/jq.nix {
inherit config;
zsh = import ./programs/zsh.nix {
inherit config pkgs;
keychain = import ./programs/keychain.nix {
inherit config pkgs;
gpg = import ./programs/gpg.nix {
ssh = import ./programs/ssh.nix {
zathura = import ./programs/zathura.nix {
firefox = import ./programs/firefox.nix {
pidgin = import ./programs/pidgin.nix {
inherit pkgs;
signald.enable = true;
# Media
cmus.enable = true;