Daniel Siepmann 51fbae7d71
Move user / system specifics to .profile file instead of .zshrc
This ensures it is properly set on login.
Tools like dmenu and such are properly find when installed by nix.
This was not zsh specific anyway.
2022-02-11 11:35:34 +01:00

107 lines
3.4 KiB

{ config, pkgs }:
enable = true;
autocd = true;
enableSyntaxHighlighting = true;
defaultKeymap = "viins";
sessionVariables = {
LC_ALL = "en_US.UTF-8";
LANG = "en_US.UTF-8";
EDITOR = "nvim";
SHELL = "${pkgs.zsh}/bin/zsh";
LESS = "-R -J -W -i -M";
LSCOLORS = "HxGxDxDxbxDxDxababcxcx";
LS_COLORS = "di=1;37:ln=1;36:so=1;33:pi=1;33:ex=31:bd=1;33:cd=1;33:su=30;41:sg=30;41:tw=32:ow=32 # I use this";
JQ_COLORS = "1;35:0;35:0;35:0;32:0;33:1;37:1;37";
GREP_COLOR = "0;30;44";
TYPO3_CONTEXT = "Development/dsiepmann";
# Reduce timeout after <ESC> (vi keybindings)
shellAliases = {
ll = "ls -laph --color=auto";
# Open in main view with all references.
tigr = "tig refs";
# Open in main view with ALL commits, not only current branch tree.
tiga = "tig --all --show-signature";
# Tmux outside tmux.
ta = "tmux attach";
tc = "tmux new-session -s ";
# TYPO3 contribution specific commands
t3Push = "git push origin HEAD:refs/for/master";
t3Pull = "git pull --rebase origin master; git checkout master";
t3Rollback = "git checkout master; git reset --hard origin/master";
t3Clean = "t3Rollback && t3Pull";
# Create borg backup
createBackup = "mkdir -p ~/backup-etc && sudo cp -r /etc/* ~/backup-etc && sudo cp -r /etc/.* ~/backup-etc && sudo chown daniels:daniels -R ~/backup-etc/ && borg create -v --progress --stats --exclude-from ~/.config/borg/exclude /media/daniels/Backup::$(date +%F-%R) ~/; sudo rm -rf ~/backup-etc";
history = {
size = 10000;
save = 10000;
ignoreDups = true;
ignoreSpace = true;
extended = true;
share = false;
initExtra = ''
autoload -U colors && colors
autoload -U promptinit
autoload -U complist
# Set vim mode
set -o vi
# Allow editing of current line in $EDITOR using command mode V
autoload -U edit-command-line
zle -N edit-command-line
bindkey -M vicmd v edit-command-line
# ctrl-r starts searching history backward
bindkey '^r' history-incremental-search-backward
zstyle ':completion:*:descriptions' format '%U%B%d%b%u'
zstyle ':completion:*:warnings' format '%BSorry, no matches for: %d%b'
zstyle ':completion:*' menu select
zstyle ':completion:*' use-cache on
zstyle ':completion:*' list-colors ''${(s.:.)LS_COLORS}
zstyle ':completion:*' cache-path ${config.xdg.cacheHome}/zsh-completion/
zstyle ':completion:*' group-name '''
zstyle ':completion::complete:git-checkout:argument-rest:' group-order heads-local heads-remote commit-tags
zstyle ':completion::complete:git-checkout:argument-rest:commits' command 'echo'
zstyle ':completion::complete:git-checkout:argument-rest:valid-ref-names' command 'echo'
zstyle ':completion::complete:git-checkout:argument-rest:remote-branch-refs-noprefix' command 'echo'
# also complete defined alias
setopt completealiases
# Correct mistyped commands
setopt correctall
# Try to make the completion list smaller (occupying less lines) by printing the matches in columns with different widths.
setopt list_packed
# When listing files that are possible completions, show the type of each file with a trailing identifying mark.
setopt list_types
# Allow for functions in the prompt.
PROMPT=$'%{$fg[blue]%}%1~ > %{$reset_color%}'