Daniel Siepmann 4a6b4b8f1c
Migrate hostname detection
Define it as variable instead of function.
Pass variable and do individual checks instead of function call.
2024-05-29 16:32:07 +02:00

108 lines
2.7 KiB

enLocale = "en_US.utf8";
deLocale = "de_DE.utf8";
in {
language = {
# English
base = "${enLocale}";
ctype = "${enLocale}";
numeric = "${enLocale}";
collate = "${enLocale}";
messages = "${enLocale}";
# German
time = "${deLocale}";
monetary = "${deLocale}";
paper = "${deLocale}";
name = "${deLocale}";
address = "${deLocale}";
telephone = "${deLocale}";
measurement = "${deLocale}";
keyboard = {
layout = "us";
model = "pc105";
options = [
pointerCursor = {
package = pkgs.qogir-icon-theme;
name = "Qogir-dark";
size = 16;
x11.enable = true;
gtk.enable = true;
sessionPath = [
sessionVariables = {
TERMINAL = "st";
EDITOR = "nvim";
SHELL = "zsh";
# Configure look up paths to not clutter home folder but follow XDG
ERRFILE = "${config.xdg.cacheHome}/X11/xsession-errors";
MYSQL_HISTFILE = "${config.xdg.dataHome}/mysql_history";
LESSHISTFILE = "${config.xdg.cacheHome}/less/history";
BUNDLE_USER_CONFIG = "${config.xdg.configHome}/bundle";
BUNDLE_USER_CACHE = "${config.xdg.cacheHome}/bundle";
BUNDLE_USER_PLUGIN = "${config.xdg.dataHome}/bundle";
ICEAUTHORITY = "${config.xdg.cacheHome}/ICEauthority";
DVDCSS_CACHE = "${config.xdg.dataHome}/dvdcss";
DOCKER_CONFIG = "${config.xdg.configHome}/docker";
# Program specific vars
SSH_ASKPASS = ""; # Unset tool to ask for password, I prefer the cli
BORG_PASSCOMMAND = "${pkgs.libsecret}/bin/secret-tool lookup account borg-passphrase";
LSCOLORS = "HxGxDxDxbxDxDxababcxcx";
LS_COLORS = "di=1;37:ln=1;36:so=1;33:pi=1;33:ex=31:bd=1;33:cd=1;33:su=30;41:sg=30;41:tw=32:ow=32";
GREP_COLOR = "0;30;44";
# Custom vars
TYPO3_CONTEXT = "Development/dsiepmann";
TYPO3_ADDITIONAL_CONFIGURATION = "${config.xdg.dataHome}/typo3-configuration/";
} // (if hostName == "hikari" then {
} else {
shellAliases = {
ll = "ls -laphv --color=auto";
# Open in main view with all references.
tigr = "tig refs";
# Open in main view with ALL commits, not only current branch tree.
tiga = "tig --all --show-signature";
# Start a nix-shell with zsh instead of bash
nsz = "nix-shell --run zsh";
# Tmux outside tmux.
ta = "tmux attach";
tc = "tmux new-session -s ";
enableNixpkgsReleaseCheck = true;