Daniel Siepmann 2823c2f0f9
Maintain more global options via home-manager
Use home-manager to create xsession.
Readme contains info on how to start xsession on login.

That way home-manager can maintain languages, keyboard and further stuff
globally for user.

No more need to set stuff as workaround within i3 or zsh.
Also enabled to start systemd units after login, as home-manager will
create and trigger ``.
2022-05-20 12:47:01 +02:00

69 lines
2.1 KiB

{ pkgs }:
usLocale = "en_US.UTF-8";
in {
language = {
base = "${usLocale}";
ctype = "${usLocale}";
numeric = "${usLocale}";
time = "${usLocale}";
collate = "${usLocale}";
monetary = "${usLocale}";
messages = "${usLocale}";
paper = "${usLocale}";
name = "${usLocale}";
address = "${usLocale}";
telephone = "${usLocale}";
measurement = "${usLocale}";
keyboard = {
layout = "us";
model = "pc105";
options = [
sessionVariables = {
EDITOR = "${pkgs.neovim}/bin/nvim";
SHELL = "${pkgs.zsh}/bin/zsh";
TYPO3_CONTEXT = "Development/dsiepmann";
TYPO3_ADDITIONAL_CONFIGURATION = "/home/daniels/.local/share/typo3-configuration/";
LSCOLORS = "HxGxDxDxbxDxDxababcxcx";
LS_COLORS = "di=1;37:ln=1;36:so=1;33:pi=1;33:ex=31:bd=1;33:cd=1;33:su=30;41:sg=30;41:tw=32:ow=32";
GREP_COLOR = "0;30;44";
shellAliases = {
ll = "ls -laph --color=auto";
# Open in main view with all references.
tigr = "tig refs";
# Open in main view with ALL commits, not only current branch tree.
tiga = "tig --all --show-signature";
# Tmux outside tmux.
ta = "tmux attach";
tc = "tmux new-session -s ";
# TYPO3 contribution specific commands
t3Push = "git push origin HEAD:refs/for/master";
t3Pull = "git pull --rebase origin master; git checkout master";
t3Rollback = "git checkout master; git reset --hard origin/master";
t3Clean = "t3Rollback && t3Pull";
# TODO: Move to nix package / shellapplication Create borg backup
createBackup = "mkdir -p ~/backup-etc && sudo cp -r /etc/* ~/backup-etc && sudo cp -r /etc/.* ~/backup-etc && sudo chown daniels:daniels -R ~/backup-etc/ && borg create -v --progress --stats --exclude-from ~/.config/borg/exclude /media/daniels/Backup::$(date +%F-%R) ~/; sudo rm -rf ~/backup-etc";