Daniel Siepmann 2795cb79c3
Fix broken vim php syntax
The loading order (runtimepath) was changed with
The php syntax loaded as package is now loaded after the neovim native
php syntax file and does not have any effect.

I now remove the package and add the file as XDG config so it is always
loaded first.
This file is not maintained anymore since some years and I still prefer
it over the maintained versions.
2022-08-16 08:05:13 +02:00

166 lines
5 KiB

{ pkgs }:
enable = true;
configFile = {
"i3blocks/config".source = ./files/i3-blocks;
"borg/exclude".source = ./files/borg-exclude;
"ctags/config.ctags".source = ./files/ctags;
"keepassxc/keepassxc.ini".text = pkgs.lib.generators.toINI { } {
General = {
ConfigVersion = 2;
GUI = {
ApplicationTheme = "dark";
CompactMode = true;
HidePreviewPanel = false;
HideToolbar = true;
HideUsernames = false;
MinimizeToTray = true;
ShowTrayIcon = true;
TrayIconAppearance = "monochrome-light";
PasswordGenerator = {
AdditionalChars = "";
AdvancedMode = true;
Braces = true;
Dashes = true;
ExcludedChars = "*<>!?";
Length = 16;
Math = true;
Quotes = true;
SpecialChars = false;
Browser = {
CustomProxyLocation = "";
Enabled = true;
SearchInAllDatabases = true;
Security = {
ClearSearchTimeout = 1;
LockDatabaseIdle = true;
LockDatabaseIdleSeconds = 60;
Security_HideNotes = true;
"litecli/config".source = ./files/litecli;
"phpactor".source = ./files/phpactor;
"tig/config".source = ./files/tig;
"yamllint/config".source = ./files/yamllint/config;
# Music player
"cmus/rc".source = ./files/cmus/rc;
"cmus/smyckblue.theme".source = ./files/cmus/smyckblue.theme;
"networkmanager-dmenu/config.ini".text = pkgs.lib.generators.toINI { } {
dmenu = {
dmenu_command = "dmenu -i -l 25";
"composer/update-channel".text = "stable";
"composer/auth.json".source = ./files/composer/auth.json;
"nvim/syntax/php.vim".source = ./files/nvim/syntax/php.vim;
dataFile = {
"xsd/xliff-core-1.2-strict.xsd".source = pkgs.fetchurl {
url = "";
sha256 = "nzevVk7NJ9X2kVTXz+e6jesfYgyBuUzw6rH0IFx01fg=";
"typo3-configuration".source = ./files/typo3-configuration;
desktopEntries = {
slack-typo3 = {
name = "Slack TYPO3";
type = "Application";
exec = "${pkgs.chromium}/bin/chromium --class=\"chat\" --new-window --app=";
slack-codappix = {
name = "Slack Codappix";
type = "Application";
exec = "${pkgs.chromium}/bin/chromium --class=\"chat\" --new-window --app=";
slack-sac = {
name = "Slack SAC";
type = "Application";
exec = "${pkgs.chromium}/bin/chromium --class=\"chat\" --new-window --app=";
microsoft-teams = {
name = "Microsoft Teams";
type = "Application";
exec = "${pkgs.chromium}/bin/chromium --class=\"chat\" --new-window --user-agent=\"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/81.0.4044.138 Safari/537.36\" --new-window --app=";
mattermost = {
name = "Mattermost werkraum-media";
type = "Application";
exec = "${pkgs.chromium}/bin/chromium --class=\"chat\" --new-window --app=";
werkraum-jitsi = {
name = "Jitsi werkraum-media";
type = "Application";
exec = "${pkgs.chromium}/bin/chromium --class=\"chat\" --new-window --app=";
phone = {
name = "Phone (Sipgate)";
type = "Application";
exec = "${pkgs.chromium}/bin/chromium --class=\"phone\" --new-window --app=";
toggl = {
name = "Toggl Time Tracking";
type = "Application";
exec = "firefox --class=\"time-tracking\" --new-instance -P toggl";
mailhog-ui = {
name = "Mailhog";
type = "Application";
exec = "firefox --class=\"mailhog\" --new-instance -P mailhog https://mailhog.localhost";
mime.enable = true;
mimeApps = {
enable = true;
# Use file --mime-type <filename> to detect mime type
defaultApplications = {
"application/pdf" = [ "org.pwmt.zathura-pdf-mupdf.desktop" ];
"text/calendar" = [ "thunderbird.desktop" ];
"image/bmp" = [ "feh.desktop" ];
"image/gif" = [ "feh.desktop" ];
"image/jpeg" = [ "feh.desktop" ];
"image/jpg" = [ "feh.desktop" ];
"image/pjpeg" = [ "feh.desktop" ];
"image/png" = [ "feh.desktop" ];
"image/tiff" = [ "feh.desktop" ];
"image/webp" = [ "feh.desktop" ];
"image/x-bmp" = [ "feh.desktop" ];
"image/x-pcx" = [ "feh.desktop" ];
"image/x-png" = [ "feh.desktop" ];
"image/x-portable-anymap" = [ "feh.desktop" ];
"image/x-portable-bitmap" = [ "feh.desktop" ];
"image/x-portable-graymap" = [ "feh.desktop" ];
"image/x-portable-pixmap" = [ "feh.desktop" ];
"image/x-tga" = [ "feh.desktop" ];
"image/x-xbitmap" = [ "feh.desktop" ];