Daniel Siepmann 0a5c2ca8ff
Move files out of home to xdg folders
Thanks to xdg-ninja for analysing my home folder.
2022-10-11 20:36:48 +02:00

158 lines
4.4 KiB

{ pkgs }:
enable = true;
configFile = {
"i3blocks/config".source = ./files/i3-blocks;
"borg/exclude".source = ./files/borg-exclude;
"ctags/config.ctags".source = ./files/ctags;
"sc-im/scimrc".source = ./files/scimrc;
"ncdu/config".source = ./files/ncdu;
"keepassxc/keepassxc.ini".text = pkgs.lib.generators.toINI { } {
General = {
ConfigVersion = 2;
FdoSecrets = {
Enabled = true;
GUI = {
ApplicationTheme = "dark";
CompactMode = true;
HidePreviewPanel = false;
HideToolbar = true;
HideUsernames = false;
MinimizeToTray = true;
ShowTrayIcon = true;
TrayIconAppearance = "monochrome-light";
PasswordGenerator = {
AdditionalChars = "";
AdvancedMode = true;
Braces = true;
Dashes = true;
ExcludedChars = "*<>!?";
Length = 16;
Math = true;
Quotes = true;
SpecialChars = false;
Browser = {
CustomProxyLocation = "";
Enabled = true;
SearchInAllDatabases = true;
Security = {
ClearSearchTimeout = 1;
LockDatabaseIdle = true;
LockDatabaseIdleSeconds = 60;
Security_HideNotes = true;
"litecli/config".source = ./files/litecli;
"phpactor".source = ./files/phpactor;
"tig/config".source = ./files/tig;
"yamllint/config".source = ./files/yamllint/config;
# Music player
"cmus/rc".source = ./files/cmus/rc;
"cmus/smyckblue.theme".source = ./files/cmus/smyckblue.theme;
"networkmanager-dmenu/config.ini".text = pkgs.lib.generators.toINI { } {
dmenu = {
dmenu_command = "dmenu -i -l 25";
"composer/update-channel".text = "stable";
"composer/auth.json".source = ./files/composer/auth.json;
"nvim/syntax/php.vim".source = ./files/nvim/syntax/php.vim;
"docker/config.json".source = ./files/docker/config.json;
dataFile = {
"xsd/xliff-core-1.2-strict.xsd".source = pkgs.fetchurl {
url = "";
sha256 = "nzevVk7NJ9X2kVTXz+e6jesfYgyBuUzw6rH0IFx01fg=";
"typo3-configuration".source = ./files/typo3-configuration;
desktopEntries = {
microsoft-teams = {
name = "Microsoft Teams";
type = "Application";
exec = "${pkgs.chromium}/bin/chromium --class=\"chat\" --new-window --user-agent=\"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36\" --new-window --app=";
phone = {
name = "Phone (Sipgate)";
type = "Application";
exec = "${pkgs.chromium}/bin/chromium --class=\"phone\" --new-window --app=";
toggl = {
name = "Toggl Time Tracking";
type = "Application";
exec = "firefox --class=\"time-tracking\" --new-instance -P toggl";
mailhog-ui = {
name = "Mailhog";
type = "Application";
exec = "firefox --class=\"mailhog\" --new-instance -P mailhog https://mailhog.localhost";
mime.enable = true;
mimeApps = {
enable = true;
# Use file --mime-type <filename> to detect mime type
defaultApplications = {
"inode/directory" = [ "org.gnome.Nautilus.desktop" ];
"text/calendar" = [ "org.kde.korganizer.desktop" ];
"application/pdf" = [ "org.pwmt.zathura-pdf-mupdf.desktop" ];
# Images
"image/bmp" = [ "feh.desktop" ];
"image/gif" = [ "feh.desktop" ];
"image/jpeg" = [ "feh.desktop" ];
"image/jpg" = [ "feh.desktop" ];
"image/pjpeg" = [ "feh.desktop" ];
"image/png" = [ "feh.desktop" ];
"image/tiff" = [ "feh.desktop" ];
"image/webp" = [ "feh.desktop" ];
"image/x-bmp" = [ "feh.desktop" ];
"image/x-pcx" = [ "feh.desktop" ];
"image/x-png" = [ "feh.desktop" ];
"image/x-portable-anymap" = [ "feh.desktop" ];
"image/x-portable-bitmap" = [ "feh.desktop" ];
"image/x-portable-graymap" = [ "feh.desktop" ];
"image/x-portable-pixmap" = [ "feh.desktop" ];
"image/x-tga" = [ "feh.desktop" ];
"image/x-xbitmap" = [ "feh.desktop" ];
# Video
"video/mp4" = [ "vlc.desktop" ];
"video/m4v" = [ "vlc.desktop" ];
"video/x-matroska" = [ "vlc.desktop" ];