Daniel Siepmann 082ad58af1
Migrate neovim setup
I managed my setup manually.
This commit ports the existing setup to home-manager.

The program module is used to install neovim together with plugins.
Custom plugins are now maintained at Gitea / GitHub and loaded via nix as well.
2022-03-12 11:26:32 +01:00

52 lines
1.4 KiB

let g:ale_set_quickfix = 0
let g:ale_set_loclist = 1
let g:ale_set_highlights = 1
let g:ale_set_signs = 1
let g:ale_echo_cursor = 1
let g:ale_virtualtext_cursor = 1
let g:ale_cursor_detail = 0
let g:ale_virtualtext_prefix = "! "
" Does not work with 3.0.0 and newer, due to:
" nvim/bundle/ale/autoload/ale/linter.vim
" for l:linter in reverse(l:possibly_duplicated_linters)
" if index(l:name_list, < 0
" call add(l:name_list,
" call add(l:combined_linters, l:linter)
" endif
" endfor
" let g:ale_pattern_options = {
" \ '\.tsconfig$': {
" \ 'ale_enabled': 0
" \ },
" \ '\.typoscript$': {
" \ 'ale_enabled': 0
" \ }
" \ }
function! DSConfigurePhpStan()
let g:ale_php_phpstan_executable = 'vendor/bin/phpstan'
call DSConfigurePhpStan()
" Do not lint when open a file
let g:ale_lint_on_enter = 0
" Do not lint when chaning file type
let g:ale_lint_on_filetype_changed = 0
" Do not interrupt writing to much, wait longer for start linting.
let g:ale_lint_delay = 1000
" Turn auto linting while writing off
let g:ale_lint_on_text_changed = 'never'
" Configure signs to use
let g:ale_sign_error = '>'
let g:ale_sign_warning = '!'
" let g:ale_sign_info = '-'
" let g:ale_sign_style_error = '>'
" let g:ale_sign_style_warning = '!'
let g:ale_php_phpcs_standard = 'PSR12'
let g:ale_languagetool_executable = 'languagetool-commandline'