Daniel Siepmann a4f1c7c480 Migrate Makefile entries to shell.nix
Isolate the whole nodejs/yarn stuff.
Migrate from node-sass to dart sass in order to do so.
Easier to install, less dependencies (no python, no compiling while yarn
2022-02-09 20:39:02 +01:00

35 lines
1.1 KiB

const { src, dest, parallel, watch } = require('gulp');
const sass = require('gulp-dart-sass');
const minifyCSS = require('gulp-csso');
const frontendSassFolder = 'Resources/Private/Sass/Frontend/';
const backendSassFolder = 'Resources/Private/Sass/Backend/';
function frontendCss() {
return src(frontendSassFolder + 'index.scss')
includePaths: [
}).on('error', sass.logError))
function backendCss() {
return src(backendSassFolder + 'index.scss')
includePaths: [
}).on('error', sass.logError))
exports.frontendCss = frontendCss;
exports.backendCss = backendCss;
exports.watch = function () {
watch([frontendSassFolder + '**/*.scss'], {ignoreInitial: false}, frontendCss);
watch([backendSassFolder + '**/*.scss'], {ignoreInitial: false}, backendCss);
exports.default = parallel(frontendCss, backendCss);