Daniel Siepmann 7a16dac529
FEATURE: Allow auto migration of classes in strings
* We now check class names case sensitive in strings.
* This will prevent issues with stuff like TCA, as class names mathing
  table names are written in lower case.
* Also add further tests and fix issues.
* Extend test to check that lower version is not replaced but mentioned
  as warning.
* Expected class names in Tx_ format are reported as fixable error.

Resolves: #15
2017-05-04 13:35:02 +02:00

61 lines
2.5 KiB

"files": {
"InputFileForIssues.php": {
"errors": 4,
"messages": [
"column": 80,
"fixable": true,
"line": 22,
"message": "Legacy classes are not allowed; found \"Tx_Extbase_Command_HelpCommandController\", use \"TYPO3\\CMS\\Extbase\\Command\\HelpCommandController\" instead",
"severity": 5,
"source": "Typo3Update.Classname.String.legacyClassname",
"type": "ERROR"
"column": 80,
"fixable": true,
"line": 23,
"message": "Legacy classes are not allowed; found \"Tx_Extbase_Command_HelpCommandController\", use \"TYPO3\\CMS\\Extbase\\Command\\HelpCommandController\" instead",
"severity": 5,
"source": "Typo3Update.Classname.String.legacyClassname",
"type": "ERROR"
"column": 93,
"fixable": true,
"line": 25,
"message": "Legacy classes are not allowed; found \"Tx_Extbase_Command_HelpCommandController\", use \"TYPO3\\CMS\\Extbase\\Command\\HelpCommandController\" instead",
"severity": 5,
"source": "Typo3Update.Classname.String.legacyClassname",
"type": "ERROR"
"column": 80,
"fixable": true,
"line": 27,
"message": "Legacy classes are not allowed; found \"Tx_About_Domain_Model_Extension\", use \"TYPO3\\CMS\\About\\Domain\\Model\\Extension\" instead",
"severity": 5,
"source": "Typo3Update.Classname.String.legacyClassname",
"type": "ERROR"
"column": 17,
"fixable": false,
"line": 28,
"message": "Legacy classes are not allowed; found tx_about_domain_model_extension that might be a legacy class that does not exist anymore",
"severity": 5,
"source": "Typo3Update.Classname.String.mightBeLegacyClassname",
"type": "WARNING"
"warnings": 1
"totals": {
"errors": 4,
"fixable": 4,
"warnings": 1