Daniel Siepmann 9176ba0cec Import tourist attraction only in German language
Allows to import entity of type TouristAttraction.
Right now only in German, as this is most important.
Add output of tourist attraction via custom content element.
2021-02-16 12:01:35 +01:00

458 lines
14 KiB

namespace WerkraumMedia\ThueCat\Tests\Unit\Domain\Import\JsonLD;
* Copyright (C) 2021 Daniel Siepmann <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
* 02110-1301, USA.
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
use Prophecy\PhpUnit\ProphecyTrait;
use WerkraumMedia\ThueCat\Domain\Import\JsonLD\Parser;
use WerkraumMedia\ThueCat\Domain\Import\JsonLD\Parser\OpeningHours;
* @covers WerkraumMedia\ThueCat\Domain\Import\JsonLD\Parser
class ParserTest extends TestCase
use ProphecyTrait;
* @test
public function canBeCreated(): void
$openingHours = $this->prophesize(OpeningHours::class);
$subject = new Parser(
self::assertInstanceOf(Parser::class, $subject);
* @test
public function returnsId(): void
$openingHours = $this->prophesize(OpeningHours::class);
$subject = new Parser(
$result = $subject->getId([
'@id' => '',
self::assertSame('', $result);
* @test
public function returnsManagerId(): void
$openingHours = $this->prophesize(OpeningHours::class);
$subject = new Parser(
$result = $subject->getManagerId([
'thuecat:contentResponsible' => [
'@id' => '',
self::assertSame('', $result);
* @test
* @dataProvider titles
public function returnsTitle(array $jsonLD, string $language, string $expected): void
$openingHours = $this->prophesize(OpeningHours::class);
$subject = new Parser(
$result = $subject->getTitle($jsonLD, $language);
self::assertSame($expected, $result);
public function titles(): array
return [
'json has multiple lanugages, one matches' => [
'jsonLD' => [
'schema:name' => [
'@language' => 'de',
'@value' => 'DE Title',
'@language' => 'fr',
'@value' => 'FR Title',
'language' => 'de',
'expected' => 'DE Title',
'json has multiple lanugages, no language specified' => [
'jsonLD' => [
'schema:name' => [
'@language' => 'de',
'@value' => 'DE Title',
'@language' => 'fr',
'@value' => 'FR Title',
'language' => '',
'expected' => 'DE Title',
'json has multiple languages, none matches' => [
'jsonLD' => [
'schema:name' => [
'@language' => 'de',
'@value' => 'DE Title',
'@language' => 'fr',
'@value' => 'FR Title',
'language' => 'en',
'expected' => '',
'json has multiple languages, missing @language key' => [
'jsonLD' => [
'schema:name' => [
'@value' => 'DE Title',
'@value' => 'FR Title',
'language' => 'en',
'expected' => '',
'json has single language, that one matches' => [
'jsonLD' => [
'schema:name' => [
'@language' => 'de',
'@value' => 'DE Title',
'language' => 'de',
'expected' => 'DE Title',
'json contains single language, but another is requested' => [
'jsonLD' => [
'schema:name' => [
'@language' => 'de',
'@value' => 'DE Title',
'language' => 'en',
'expected' => '',
'json contains single language, no language specified' => [
'jsonLD' => [
'schema:name' => [
'@language' => 'de',
'@value' => 'DE Title',
'language' => '',
'expected' => 'DE Title',
'json contains single language, missing @language key' => [
'jsonLD' => [
'schema:name' => [
'@value' => 'DE Title',
'language' => '',
'expected' => '',
* @test
* @dataProvider descriptions
public function returnsDescription(array $jsonLD, string $language, string $expected): void
$openingHours = $this->prophesize(OpeningHours::class);
$subject = new Parser(
$result = $subject->getDescription($jsonLD, $language);
self::assertSame($expected, $result);
public function descriptions(): array
return [
'json has multiple lanugages, one matches' => [
'jsonLD' => [
'schema:description' => [
'@language' => 'de',
'@value' => 'DE Description',
'@language' => 'fr',
'@value' => 'FR Description',
'language' => 'de',
'expected' => 'DE Description',
'json has multiple lanugages, no language specified' => [
'jsonLD' => [
'schema:description' => [
'@language' => 'de',
'@value' => 'DE Description',
'@language' => 'fr',
'@value' => 'FR Description',
'language' => '',
'expected' => 'DE Description',
'json has multiple languages, none matches' => [
'jsonLD' => [
'schema:description' => [
'@language' => 'de',
'@value' => 'DE Description',
'@language' => 'fr',
'@value' => 'FR Description',
'language' => 'en',
'expected' => '',
'json has multiple languages, missing @language key' => [
'jsonLD' => [
'schema:description' => [
'@value' => 'DE Description',
'@value' => 'FR Description',
'language' => 'en',
'expected' => '',
'json has single language, that one matches' => [
'jsonLD' => [
'schema:description' => [
'@language' => 'de',
'@value' => 'DE Description',
'language' => 'de',
'expected' => 'DE Description',
'json contains single language, but another is requested' => [
'jsonLD' => [
'schema:description' => [
'@language' => 'de',
'@value' => 'DE Description',
'language' => 'en',
'expected' => '',
'json contains single language, no language specified' => [
'jsonLD' => [
'schema:description' => [
'@language' => 'de',
'@value' => 'DE Description',
'language' => '',
'expected' => 'DE Description',
'json contains single language, missing @language key' => [
'jsonLD' => [
'schema:description' => [
'@value' => 'DE Description',
'language' => '',
'expected' => '',
* @test
public function returnsContainedInPlaceIds(): void
$openingHours = $this->prophesize(OpeningHours::class);
$subject = new Parser(
$result = $subject->getContainedInPlaceIds([
'schema:containedInPlace' => [
['@id' => ''],
['@id' => ''],
['@id' => ''],
['@id' => ''],
['@id' => ''],
], $result);
* @test
public function returnsLanguages(): void
$openingHours = $this->prophesize(OpeningHours::class);
$subject = new Parser(
$result = $subject->getLanguages([
'schema:availableLanguage' => [
0 => [
'@type' => 'thuecat:Language',
'@value' => 'thuecat:German',
1 => [
'@type' => 'thuecat:Language',
'@value' => 'thuecat:English',
2 => [
'@type' => 'thuecat:Language',
'@value' => 'thuecat:French',
], $result);
* @test
public function throwsExceptionOnUnkownLanguage(): void
$openingHours = $this->prophesize(OpeningHours::class);
$subject = new Parser(
$result = $subject->getLanguages([
'schema:availableLanguage' => [
0 => [
'@type' => 'thuecat:Language',
'@value' => 'thuecat:Unkown',
* @test
public function returnsNoLanguagesIfInfoIsMissing(): void
$openingHours = $this->prophesize(OpeningHours::class);
$subject = new Parser(
$result = $subject->getLanguages([]);
self::assertSame([], $result);
* @test
public function returnsOpeningHours(): void
$jsonLD = [
'schema:openingHoursSpecification' => [
'@id' => 'genid-28b33237f71b41e3ad54a99e1da769b9-b13',
'schema:opens' => [
'@type' => 'schema:Time',
'@value' => '10:00:00',
$generatedOpeningHours = [
'opens' => '10:00:00',
'closes' => '',
'from' => null,
'through' => null,
'daysOfWeek' => [],
$openingHours = $this->prophesize(OpeningHours::class);
$subject = new Parser(
$result = $subject->getOpeningHours($jsonLD);
self::assertSame($generatedOpeningHours, $result);