Opening hours are filtered. Opening hours from the past are no longer
Opening hours are sorted. Newer opening hours are shown last.
Relates: #10185
* Support generation of code coverage generation
* Remove useless caching within GitHub
* Add TYPO3 11.5 within CI
* Update phpstan
Replace friendsoftypo3/phpstan-typo3 with saschaegerer/phpstan.
The friendsoftypo3 is intended for TYPO3 itself, while saschaegerer is
intended for community.
Also update all related packages.
Fix some new findings and update baseline.
* Run composer none interactive in CI
* Remove dependency checker
* Migrate tests to no longer use legacy dependencies
* Fix phpstan findings
Allows to import entity of type TouristAttraction.
Right now only in German, as this is most important.
Add output of tourist attraction via custom content element.