2023-07-03 10:08:33 +02:00
< ? php
declare ( strict_types = 1 );
* Copyright ( C ) 2023 Daniel Siepmann < coding @ daniel - siepmann . de >
* This program is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation ; either version 2
* of the License , or ( at your option ) any later version .
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details .
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program ; if not , write to the Free Software
* Foundation , Inc . , 51 Franklin Street , Fifth Floor , Boston , MA
* 02110 - 1301 , USA .
namespace WerkraumMedia\FormFileCollection\Tests\Functional ;
use Codappix\Typo3PhpDatasets\TestingFramework ;
use TYPO3\TestingFramework\Core\Functional\Framework\Frontend\InternalRequest ;
use TYPO3\TestingFramework\Core\Functional\FunctionalTestCase ;
class FormIntegrationTest extends FunctionalTestCase
use TestingFramework ;
public function setUp () : void
$this -> coreExtensionsToLoad = [
'fluid_styled_content' ,
'form' ,
$this -> testExtensionsToLoad = [
'typo3conf/ext/form_file_collection' ,
'typo3conf/ext/form_file_collection/Tests/Fixtures/form_file_collection_example' ,
$this -> pathsToLinkInTestInstance = [
'typo3conf/ext/form_file_collection/Tests/Fixtures/Sites' => 'typo3conf/sites' ,
'typo3conf/ext/form_file_collection/Tests/Fixtures/Fileadmin/Files' => 'fileadmin/Files' ,
parent :: setUp ();
$this -> importPHPDataSet ( __DIR__ . '/../Fixtures/BasicDatabase.php' );
$this -> setUpFrontendRootPage ( 1 , [
'setup' => [
'EXT:form_file_collection/Tests/Fixtures/Rendering.typoscript' ,
'EXT:form_file_collection_example/Configuration/TypoScript/Form.typoscript' ,
* @ test
public function rendersFileFromSelectedCollection () : void
$this -> importPHPDataSet ( __DIR__ . '/../Fixtures/SingleFileDatabase.php' );
$request = new InternalRequest ();
$response = $this -> executeFrontendRequest ( $request );
$content = $response -> getBody () -> __toString ();
self :: assertStringContainsString ( 'name="tx_form_formframework[test-1][file-collection-1]"' , $content );
self :: assertStringContainsString ( 'FirstResult.png' , $content );
self :: assertStringContainsString ( 'value="/Files/FirstResult.png"' , $content );
self :: assertStringContainsString ( '<span>/Files/FirstResult.png</span>' , $content );
self :: assertStringNotContainsString ( 'SecondResult.png' , $content );
* @ test
public function providesMultipleFilesFromSelectedCollection () : void
$this -> importPHPDataSet ( __DIR__ . '/../Fixtures/TwoFilesDatabase.php' );
$request = new InternalRequest ();
$response = $this -> executeFrontendRequest ( $request );
$content = $response -> getBody () -> __toString ();
self :: assertStringContainsString ( 'name="tx_form_formframework[test-1][file-collection-1][]"' , $content );
self :: assertStringContainsString ( 'FirstResult.png' , $content );
self :: assertStringContainsString ( 'value="/Files/FirstResult.png"' , $content );
self :: assertStringContainsString ( '<span>/Files/FirstResult.png</span>' , $content );
self :: assertStringContainsString ( 'SecondResult.png' , $content );
self :: assertStringContainsString ( 'value="/Files/SecondResult.png"' , $content );
self :: assertStringContainsString ( '<span>/Files/SecondResult.png</span>' , $content );
* @ test
public function rendersConfiguredLabel () : void
$this -> importPHPDataSet ( __DIR__ . '/../Fixtures/SingleFileDatabase.php' );
$request = new InternalRequest ();
$request = $request -> withPageId ( 2 );
$response = $this -> executeFrontendRequest ( $request );
$content = $response -> getBody () -> __toString ();
self :: assertStringContainsString ( 'name="tx_form_formframework[test-2][file-collection-1][]"' , $content );
self :: assertStringContainsString ( 'value="29b827d0daa29658d8a0d952dfd20f559bbe3bcf"' , $content );
self :: assertStringContainsString ( '<span>image/png</span>' , $content );
2023-07-24 14:13:08 +02:00
* @ test
public function rendersCustomTemplateWithAccessToFiles () : void
$this -> importPHPDataSet ( __DIR__ . '/../Fixtures/CustomTemplate.php' );
$request = new InternalRequest ();
$request = $request -> withPageId ( 3 );
$response = $this -> executeFrontendRequest ( $request );
$content = $response -> getBody () -> __toString ();
self :: assertStringContainsString ( 'name="tx_form_formframework[test-3][file-collection-1][]" value="Example title for form"' , $content );
self :: assertStringContainsString ( '<img src="/fileadmin/_processed_/2/9/csm_FirstResult_0f8fa1bb68.png" width="100" height="40" alt="Alternative" title="Example title for form" />' , $content );
2023-07-03 10:08:33 +02:00