Daniel Siepmann 3d6bf0ac8a Add import configuration record
It is now possible to create "Import" records in TYPO3 system.
Those records can then be imported via two new commands.
There is no need to configure everything within the command itself.

That allows:
    * To allow editors to maintain import configuration.
    * Have proper labels, description, csh and UI to create import.
      It no longer is necessary to copy UIDs,
      instead proper wizards from TCA are available to select pages.

Relates: #9649
2022-01-27 15:50:36 +01:00

135 lines
4.6 KiB

namespace Wrm\Events\Tests\Unit\Service\DestinationDataImportService;
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
use Prophecy\Prophecy\ObjectProphecy;
use TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Configuration\ConfigurationManager;
use TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Configuration\ConfigurationManagerInterface;
use Wrm\Events\Domain\Model\Import;
use Wrm\Events\Service\DestinationDataImportService\UrlFactory;
use Wrm\Events\Tests\ProphecyTrait;
* @covers \Wrm\Events\Service\DestinationDataImportService\UrlFactory
class UrlFactoryTest extends TestCase
use ProphecyTrait;
* @test
public function canBeCreated(): void
$configurationManager = $this->prophesize(ConfigurationManager::class);
$subject = new UrlFactory(
* @test
* @dataProvider possibleImports
public function createSearchResultUrl(
ObjectProphecy $import,
array $settings,
string $expectedResult
): void {
$configurationManager = $this->prophesize(ConfigurationManager::class);
)->willReturn(['destinationData' => $settings]);
$subject = new UrlFactory(
$result = $subject->createSearchResultUrl($import->reveal());
public function possibleImports(): array
return [
'All provided' => [
'import' => (function () {
$import = $this->prophesize(Import::class);
return $import;
'settings' => [
'restUrl' => '',
'license' => 'licenseKey',
'restType' => 'restType',
'restMode' => 'restMode',
'restLimit' => 'restLimit',
'restTemplate' => 'restTemplate',
'expectedResult' => '',
'All missing' => [
'import' => (function () {
$import = $this->prophesize(Import::class);
return $import;
'settings' => [
'restUrl' => '',
'expectedResult' => '',
'Some missing' => [
'import' => (function () {
$import = $this->prophesize(Import::class);
return $import;
'settings' => [
'restUrl' => '',
'license' => 'licenseKey',
'restLimit' => 'restLimit',
'restTemplate' => 'restTemplate',
'expectedResult' => '',
'With search query' => [
'import' => (function () {
$import = $this->prophesize(Import::class);
$import->getSearchQuery()->willReturn('name:"Test Something"');
return $import;
'settings' => [
'restUrl' => '',
'expectedResult' => '',