A new PSR-14 event is added that allows to modify the event right before
it is persisted within Destination Data One import.
This for example allows to alter dates, prices, etc.
Improve handling of missing end time in dates.
They sometimes use a different separator.
The code is adjusted to always use same separator and precision.
That will prevent the same location from showing up multiple times due
to different latitude and longitude values.
Normal updates are executed:
./vendor/bin/typo3cms upgrade:prepare
./vendor/bin/typo3cms upgrade:run all --no-interaction
./vendor/bin/typo3cms database:updateschema '*'
./vendor/bin/typo3cms database:updateschema '*'
The first one will execute an database:updateschema which will run safe
which only adds and doesn't rename or remove columns.
Then our update wizard can use the existing columns and new columns and
The last step will actually rename and remove.