Daniel Hürtgen 95da568935 Merge branch 'develop' into 'feature/74-check-removed-typoscript-constants'
# Conflicts:
#   Documentation/source/features.rst
2017-05-02 22:12:23 +02:00

12 KiB

.. _configuration:


Configuration is done through PHPCS Standards, e.g. provide a custom ruleset.xml or inside your project using a phpcs.xml.dist. As this is just a PHPCS-Standard, the official documentation applies.

Also some configuration is done through yaml files, see configuration-yaml-files.


All options available in ruleset.xml are also available in your phpcs.xml files, as already documented by phpcs itself. Therefore this documentation will just mention ruleset.xml.

Beside that, some options are also available through CLI. Examples are always provided.

To disable warnings for specific deprecated parts, e.g. a specific function, you can use the full sniff name, as we try to add the concrete constant or function name to the sniff. Just run phpcs with the -s option to see sniff names.

The following configuration options are available:


Configures which extension names are legacy. Used to provide further checks and warnings about possible legacy code. All class usages starting with Tx_<ExtensionName> where ExtensionName is defined in this array, will produce a warning, until the class is already found to be deprecaed.

Can and have to be configured for each sniff, e.g. Instanceof and PhpDocComment.


<rule ref="Typo3Update.Classname.Instanceof">
        <property name="legacyExtensions" type="array" value="Extbase,Fluid,Frontend,Core"/>


Only used inside Sniff Typo3Update.Classname.PhpDocComment.

Configures which tags are checked for legacy class names.

This way you can add checks for further tags you are using. All strings inside the tag are checked, so no matter where the class name occurs inside the tag.


<rule ref="Typo3Update.Classname.PhpDocComment">
        <property name="allowedTags" type="array" value="@param,@return,@var,@see,@throws"/>


For auto migrating usages of old class names, a PHP file with a mapping is required. The file has to be in the composer structure autoload_classaliasmap.php. If TYPO3 is already installed using composer, you can use this file through configuration, or by copying to the default location, which is LegacyClassnames.php in the root of this project.

Configure where the LegacyClassnames.php is located, through ruleset.xml or using --runtime-set. Default is LegacyClassnames.php in the project root.

Using ruleset.xml:

<config name="mappingFile" value="/projects/typo3_installation/vendor/composer/autoload_classaliasmap.php"/>

Using runtime-set:

--runtime-set mappingFile /projects/typo3_installation/vendor/composer/autoload_classaliasmap.php


Used while adding namespaces to legacy class definitions and updating plugin and module registrations. Default is YourCompany to enable you to search and replace afterwards.

If you use multiple vendors through your projects, use the cli to define the vendor and run phpcbf over specific folders, this way you can update your project step by step with different vendors.

Using ruleset.xml:

<config name="vendor" value="YourVendor"/>

Using runtime-set:

--runtime-set vendor YourVendor


Configure where to look for configuration files defining the removed functions and methods. Default is Configuration/Removed/Functions/*.yaml inside the standard itself. We already try to deliver as much as possible. Globing is used, so placeholders like * are possible, see

Using ruleset.xml:

<config name="removedFunctionConfigFiles" value="/Some/Absolute/Path/*.yaml"/>

Using runtime-set:

--runtime-set removedFunctionConfigFiles "/Some/Absolute/Path/*.yaml"


Configure where to look for configuration files defining the removed constants. Default is Configuration/Removed/Functions/*.yaml inside the standard itself. We already try to deliver as much as possible. Globing is used, so placeholders like * are possible, see

Using ruleset.xml:

<config name="removedConstantConfigFiles" value="/Some/Absolute/Path/*.yaml"/>

Using runtime-set:

--runtime-set removedConstantConfigFiles "/Some/Absolute/Path/*.yaml"


Configure where to look for configuration files defining the removed classes. Default is Configuration/Removed/Classes/*.yaml inside the standard itself. We already try to deliver as much as possible. Globing is used, so placeholders like * are possible, see

Using ruleset.xml:

<config name="removedClassConfigFiles" value="/Some/Absolute/Path/*.yaml"/>

Using runtime-set:

--runtime-set removedClassConfigFiles "/Some/Absolute/Path/*.yaml"


Configure where to look for configuration files defining the removed TypoScript object identifiers. Default is Configuration/Removed/TypoScript/*.yaml inside the standard itself. We already try to deliver as much as possible. Globing is used, so placeholders like * are possible, see

Using ruleset.xml:

<config name="removedTypoScriptConfigFiles" value="/Some/Absolute/Path/*.yaml"/>

Using runtime-set:

--runtime-set removedTypoScriptConfigFiles "/Some/Absolute/Path/*.yaml"

removedTypoScriptConstantsConfigFiles ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Configure where to look for configuration files defining the removed TypoScript constants. Default is Configuration/Removed/TypoScriptConstants/*.yaml inside the standard itself. We already try to deliver as much as possible. Globing is used, so placeholders like * are possible, see

Using ruleset.xml:

<config name="removedTypoScriptConstantConfigFiles" value="/Some/Absolute/Path/*.yaml"/>

Using runtime-set:

--runtime-set removedTypoScriptConstantConfigFiles "/Some/Absolute/Path/*.yaml"


Configure where to look for configuration files defining the feature mappings. Default is Configuration/Features/*.yaml inside the standard itself. Globing is used, so placeholders like * are possible, see

Using ruleset.xml:

<config name="features" value="/Some/Absolute/Path/*.yaml"/>

Using runtime-set:

--runtime-set features "/Some/Absolute/Path/*.yaml"

YAML Files

YAML files are used to configure removed constants, function / methods and TypoScript. We decided to go with yaml files here, to ease adding stuff in the future. It's a simple format and everyone can contribute.

You can configure the paths to look up the files through the specific options, documented above.

This section will cover the structure of the various yaml files.

General structure

The basic structure is the same for all parts. Inside a file you have to provide an array for each TYPO3 version:

        replacement: 'Either remove usage of styles.insertContent or a...'
        docsUrl: ''
        replacement: 'Full TCA is always loaded during bootstrap in ...'
        docsUrl: ''

In above example the TypoScript styles.insertContent was removed in TYPO3 version 7.0. Below a TYPO3 version each entry is a removed function or TypoScript part of TYPO3. The key is used to lookup matchings in the source code. Specific parsing is documented below.

All entries consists of a replacement and docsUrl entry.

The replacement can either be null or a string. If it's null we will show that this part is removed without any replacement. If you provide a string, this will be displayed to help during migrations.

The docsUrl is displayed in addition, so everyone can take a deeper look at the change, the effects and how to migrate.

Also the TYPO3 core team references the forge issues in each change, where you can find the pull requests.

Constants and Functions

Special parsing is done for the keys identifying removed constants and functions.

Always provide the fully qualified class namespace. Seperate the constant or method by :: if it's possible to access it static, otherwise use -> to indicate it's an instance method.

This is used to check only matching calls.

Two examples:

        replacement: null
        docsUrl: ''
        replacement: 'Full TCA is always loaded during bootstrap in FE, th...'
        docsUrl: ''


Use new in front of, to declare the entry as OBJECT, e.g. a cObject. Only matching types will be checked in source code.

Two examples:

        replacement: 'Either remove usage of styles.insertContent or add a sni...'
        docsUrl: ''
    new HRULER:
        replacement: 'Any installation should migrate to alternatives such as F...'
        docsUrl: ''


Configures which Features should be attached to x Sniffs, where Key is the FQCN of the feature and the values are FQCN of the sniffs.

Works only if the sniff respects execution of features.

One example:

  - Typo3Update_Sniffs_Classname_InheritanceSniff
  - Typo3Update_Sniffs_Classname_InlineCommentSniff
  - Typo3Update_Sniffs_Classname_InstanceofSniff
  - Typo3Update_Sniffs_Classname_InstantiationWithMakeInstanceSniff
  - Typo3Update_Sniffs_Classname_InstantiationWithNewSniff
  - Typo3Update_Sniffs_Classname_InstantiationWithObjectManagerSniff
  - Typo3Update_Sniffs_Classname_IsACallSniff
  - Typo3Update_Sniffs_Classname_MissingVendorForPluginsAndModulesSniff
  - Typo3Update_Sniffs_Classname_PhpDocCommentSniff
  - Typo3Update_Sniffs_Classname_StaticCallSniff
  - Typo3Update_Sniffs_Classname_TypeHintCatchExceptionSniff
  - Typo3Update_Sniffs_Classname_TypeHintSniff
  - Typo3Update_Sniffs_Classname_UseSniff
  - Typo3Update_Sniffs_LegacyClassname_MissingNamespaceSniff