TASK: Migrate / write documentation

* Add further information and sections, e.g. about contribution and

Relates: #63
This commit is contained in:
Daniel Siepmann 2017-04-13 10:54:32 +02:00
parent a0e83ebef0
commit 8cb68ff6bb
Signed by: Daniel Siepmann
GPG key ID: 33D6629915560EF4
7 changed files with 525 additions and 19 deletions

View file

@ -109,9 +109,23 @@ todo_include_todos = True
# -- Options for HTML output ---------------------------------------------- # -- Options for HTML output ----------------------------------------------
import guzzle_sphinx_theme
html_theme_path = guzzle_sphinx_theme.html_theme_path()
html_theme = 'guzzle_sphinx_theme'
# Register the theme as an extension to generate a sitemap.xml
# Guzzle theme options (see theme.conf for more information)
# html_theme_options = {
# # Set the name of the project to appear in the sidebar
# "project_nav_name": project,
# }
# The theme to use for HTML and HTML Help pages. See the documentation for # The theme to use for HTML and HTML Help pages. See the documentation for
# a list of builtin themes. # a list of builtin themes.
html_theme = 'alabaster' # html_theme = 'alabaster'
# Theme options are theme-specific and customize the look and feel of a theme # Theme options are theme-specific and customize the look and feel of a theme
# further. For a list of options available for each theme, see the # further. For a list of options available for each theme, see the
@ -123,7 +137,7 @@ html_theme = 'alabaster'
# The name for this set of Sphinx documents. # The name for this set of Sphinx documents.
# "<project> v<release> documentation" by default. # "<project> v<release> documentation" by default.
#html_title = u'Automated TYPO3 Update v0.1.0' html_title = u'Automated TYPO3 Update v0.1.0'
# A shorter title for the navigation bar. Default is the same as html_title. # A shorter title for the navigation bar. Default is the same as html_title.
#html_short_title = None #html_short_title = None
@ -157,7 +171,13 @@ html_static_path = ['_static']
#html_use_smartypants = True #html_use_smartypants = True
# Custom sidebar templates, maps document names to template names. # Custom sidebar templates, maps document names to template names.
#html_sidebars = {} html_sidebars = {
'**': ['logo-text.html',
# Additional templates that should be rendered to pages, maps page names to # Additional templates that should be rendered to pages, maps page names to
# template names. # template names.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
.. _configuration:
Configuration is done through PHPCS Standards, e.g. provide a custom :file:`ruleset.xml` or inside your
project using a :file:`phpcs.xml.dist`. As this is just a PHPCS-Standard, the official documentation
All options available in :file:`ruleset.xml` are also available in your :file:`phpcs.xml` files, as
already documented by phpcs itself. Therefore this documentation will just mention
Beside that, some options are also available through CLI. Examples are always provided.
The following configuration options are available:
.. _configuration-legacyExtensions:
Configures which extension names are legacy. Used to provide further checks and warnings about
possible legacy code. All class usages starting with ``Tx_<ExtensionName>`` where ExtensionName is
defined in this array, will produce a warning, until the class is already found to be deprecaed.
Can and have to be configured for each sniff, e.g. ``Instanceof`` and ``DocComment``.
.. code:: xml
<rule ref="Typo3Update.LegacyClassnames.Instanceof">
<property name="legacyExtensions" type="array" value="Extbase,Fluid,Frontend,Core"/>
.. _configuration-allowedTags:
Only used inside Sniff ``Typo3Update.LegacyClassnames.DocComment``.
Configures which tags are checked for legacy class names.
This way you can add checks for further tags you are using. All strings inside the tag are checked,
so no matter where the class name occurs inside the tag.
.. code:: xml
<rule ref="Typo3Update.LegacyClassnames.DocComment">
<property name="allowedTags" type="array" value="@param,@return,@var,@see,@throws"/>
.. _configuration-mappingFile:
For auto migrating usages of old class names, a PHP file with a mapping is required. The file has to
be in the composer structure :file:`autoload_classaliasmap.php`.
If TYPO3 is already installed using composer, you can use this file through configuration, or by
copying to the default location, which is :file:`LegacyClassnames.php` in the root of this project.
Configure where the `LegacyClassnames.php` is located, through ``ruleset.xml`` or using
``--runtime-set``. Default is `LegacyClassnames.php` in the project root.
Using :file:`ruleset.xml`:
.. code:: xml
<config name="mappingFile" value="/projects/typo3_installation/vendor/composer/autoload_classaliasmap.php"/>
Using ``runtime-set``:
.. code:: bash
--runtime-set mappingFile /projects/typo3_installation/vendor/composer/autoload_classaliasmap.php
.. _configuration-vendor:
Used while adding namespaces to legacy class definitions and updating plugin and module
registrations. Default is ``YourCompany`` to enable you to search and replace afterwards.
If you use multiple vendors through your projects, use the cli to define the vendor and run
``phpcbf`` over specific folders, this way you can update your project step by step with different
Using :file:`ruleset.xml`:
.. code:: xml
<config name="vendor" value="YourVendor"/>
.. code:: bash
--runtime-set vendor YourVendor
.. _configuration-removedFunctionConfigFiles:
Configure where to look for configuration files defining the removed functions and methods. Default
is ``Configuration/Removed/Functions/*.yaml`` inside the standard itself. We already try to deliver
as much as possible.
Globing is used, so placeholders like ``*`` are possible, see
Using :file:`ruleset.xml`:
.. code:: xml
<config name="removedFunctionConfigFiles" value="/Some/Absolute/Path/*.yaml"/>
.. code:: bash
--runtime-set removedFunctionConfigFiles "/Some/Absolute/Path/*.yaml"
.. _configuration-removedConstantConfigFiles:
Configure where to look for configuration files defining the removed constants. Default is
``Configuration/Removed/Functions/*.yaml`` inside the standard itself. We already try to deliver as
much as possible. Globing is used, so placeholders like ``*`` are possible, see
Using :file:`ruleset.xml`:
.. code:: xml
<config name="removedConstantConfigFiles" value="/Some/Absolute/Path/*.yaml"/>
.. code:: bash
--runtime-set removedConstantConfigFiles "/Some/Absolute/Path/*.yaml"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
.. _highlight: bash
The project is hosted at https://git.higidi.com/Automated-TYPO3-Update/automated-typo3-update fill
issues there. Also you can fork and clone the project there and provide merge requests.
Also you can contact us on `TYPO3 slack`_.
Documentation is written using `reStructuredText`_ ans `sphinx`_.
Just open the files with a text editor and update contents.
To render documentation locally install `docker`_ and run::
docker run -v "$PWD/Documentation":/sphinx danielsiepmann/sphinx
from within the project root.
A :file:`.editorconfig` is already provided to setup your editor. Also `phpcs` is configured, so
make sure to check your coding style with `phpcs`_.
New sniffs have to be covered by tests, see :ref:`extending-tests`.
.. _TYPO3 slack: https://typo3.slack.com/messages/@danielsiepmann
.. _docker: https://www.docker.com/
.. _phpcs: https://github.com/squizlabs/PHP_CodeSniffer
.. _reStructuredText: http://docutils.sourceforge.net/rst.html
.. _sphinx: http://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/stable/

View file

@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
.. _extending:
It's possible to extend the provided migrations.
Also adding tests is pretty easy and done by adding a folder with an input file and an file
holding the expectations.
.. _extending-sniffs:
Follow the official docs of `phpcs`_:
The following resources might be helpful during working with ``phpcs``:
- https://secure.php.net/manual/en/tokens.php
- :file:`CodeSniffer/Tokens.php`
- :file:`CodeSniffer/File.php`
.. _extending-tests:
We are using `phpunit` as testing framework.
Adding tests for sniffs is as easy as providing the same folder structure as for the sniff, just
inside the :file:`tests/Fixtures` folder. Instead of adding the sniff as a file, you have to provide
a folder named like the sniff. E.g. you want to add a test for sniff
:file:`src/Standards/Typo3Update/Sniffs/LegacyClassnames/DocCommentSniff.php`, the following folder
has to exist: :file:`tests/Fixtures/Standards/Typo3Update/Sniffs/LegacyClassnames/DocCommentSniff/`.
.. _extending-tests-single:
Single test per sniff
Inside of the folder at least a file :file:`InputFileForIssues.php` has to exist, containing PHP
code to use for the test. Also a file :file:`Expected.json` has to exist, with the json result of
calling ``phpcs`` with :file:`InputFileForIssues.php`.
Everything else is done out of the box.
If your sniff also implements fixable errors or warnings, you can further provide a
:file:`Expected.diff` which is generated by ``phpcbf``.
.. _extending-tests-multiple:
Multiple tests per sniff
Also it's possible to provide multiple tests for a single sniff, e.g. with different cli arguments
like options for the sniff. In that case you have to place a :file:`Arguments.php` in the folder.
This file returns an array:
.. code-block:: php
return [
'defaultVendor' => [],
'customVendor' => [
'runtime-set' => [
'vendor' => 'MyCustomVendor',
In the example above ``defaultVendor`` and ``customVendor` are subfolders containing the same
structure as documented for :ref:`extending-tests-single`.
This way it's possible to run multiple tests per sniff.
Also you can provide further cli arguments on a key -> value base. Where ``runtime-set`` is special,
as it contains a sub array to provide multiple runtime sets.
How sniff tests are implemented
We just find all folders below :file:`tests/Fixtures/Standards/Typo3Update/Sniffs` ending with
``Sniff`` and check the structure. They are provided to the test itself through a dataprovider in
We then build the phpcs cli call and execute it against the :file:`InputFileForIssues.php` and
compare the result against the :file:`Expected.json`. Same for :file:`Expected.diff`. The existence
of :file:`Expected.diff` itself will trigger the test for ``phpcbf``.
.. _phpcs: https://github.com/squizlabs/PHP_CodeSniffer
.. _phpunit: https://phpunit.de/

View file

@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
.. _features:
Migration of old legacy classnames to namespace class names
Currently we can migrate calls to old legacy class names of the TYPO3 core like ``Tx_Extbase...`` to
new ones like ``\TYPO3\Extbase\...``. This is done for:
Possible configurations for all sniffs:
- :ref:`configuration-legacyExtensions`
Implemented sniffs:
- PHPDocuments, like Includes and annotations for IDEs.
Possible extra configurations:
- :ref:`configuration-allowedTags`
- Inheritance like ``extends`` and ``implements``.
- Static calls like ``t3lib_div::`` to ``\TYPO3\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility``.
- Static call also checks for ``::class``, as technically we just look before the ``::``.
- Typehints in methods and function like injects.
- ``instanceof`` checks.
- Inline comments for IDEs, e.g. ``/* @var $configurationManager
Tx_Extbase_Configuration_ConfigurationManager */``
- Instantiation through ``new``.
- Instantiation through ``makeInstance``. Only Classnames in Strings are supported, no ``::class``.
- Instantiation through ``ObjectManager``, check afterwards as this is static and all function calls
using ``get`` and ``create`` will be adjusted. Might be useful to exclude this sniff and run it
Only Classnames in Strings are supported, no ``::class``.
- ``use`` statements.
- ``catch`` of legacy class names.
Also definitions of classes, traits and interfaces are migrated too:
Possible extra configurations:
- :ref:`configuration-vendor`
Definitions are migrated, where namespace is added right after opening php-tag and class name is
replaced with last part. We split by ``_`` as Extbase convention.
After definitions were migrated, we also migrate the usage in the same way as documented above for
TYPO3 core classes. On first run the definition will be converted, on second run the usage. This is
due to the fact, that PHPCS might find the definition after the usage, so please run twice.
.. note::
The configured file will be updated after each run, for each converted class, trait and
interface definition. See :ref:`configuration-mappingFile`.
This also covers adding the vendor to plugin and modules in :file:`ext_tables.php` and
Possible extra configurations:
- :ref:`configuration-vendor`
Add missing vendor to plugin and module registrations and configurations. You might want to set
this to non fixable and warning if you already provide the vendor inside a single Variable, together
with your extension key, as this is not recognized. So the following will be recognized:
- ``$_EXTKEY,``
- ``$VENDOR . $_EXTKEY,``
- ``'VENDOR.' . $_EXTKEY,``
While the following will not:
- ``$key = 'Vendor.' . $_EXTKEY;``
Check for removed calls
Also we check for the following deprecated calls:
Check for usage of *removed functions* in general. The functions are configured via yaml files. The
location of them is configurable, default is inside the standard itself, and we try to deliver all
information. For configuration options see ``removedFunctionConfigFiles``.
Check for usage of *removed constants*. The constants are configured in same way as removed
functions. For configuration options see ``removedConstantConfigFiles``.
Further checks
- Legacy ajax registrations for TYPO3 Backend.

View file

@ -1,22 +1,69 @@
.. Automated TYPO3 Update documentation master file, created by .. _highlight: bash
sphinx-quickstart on Thu Apr 13 07:58:42 2017.
You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least
contain the root `toctree` directive.
Welcome to Automated TYPO3 Update's documentation! About
================================================== =====
Contents: Our goal is to provide automated migrations for TYPO3 updates, as much as possible.
This should include source code modifications like adjusting old legacy class names to new ones and
providing a list of deprecated calls.
The official project home page can be found at https://git.higidi.com/Automated-TYPO3-Update/automated-typo3-update .
Please open new issues and merge requests there. You can login with your Github account.
Github is just used as a mirror for the project.
To install the project you need ``composer`` to be installed and inside your ``$PATH``.
Otherwise run ``make install-composer`` to install composer.
make install
Afterwards the :ref:`configuration-mappingFile` is required.
What does it look like?
.. code::
$ ./vendor/bin/phpcs -p --colors -s <path>
FILE: <path>
8 | ERROR | [x] Legacy classes are not allowed; found
| | backend_toolbarItem
| | (Typo3Update.LegacyClassnames.Inheritance.legacyClassname)
14 | ERROR | [x] Legacy classes are not allowed; found TYPO3backend
| | (Typo3Update.LegacyClassnames.DocComment.legacyClassname)
16 | ERROR | [x] Legacy classes are not allowed; found TYPO3backend
| | (Typo3Update.LegacyClassnames.TypeHint.legacyClassname)
48 | ERROR | [x] Legacy classes are not allowed; found t3lib_extMgm
| | (Typo3Update.LegacyClassnames.StaticCall.legacyClassname)
61 | ERROR | [x] Legacy classes are not allowed; found t3lib_div
| | (Typo3Update.LegacyClassnames.StaticCall.legacyClassname)
Time: 35ms; Memory: 5Mb
.. toctree:: .. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2 :maxdepth: 2
Indices and tables usage
================== extending
* :ref:`genindex`
* :ref:`modindex`
* :ref:`search`

View file

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
.. _highlight: bash
If everything is configured, you can run::
./vendor/bin/phpcbf <path>
This will run the auto fixer recursive for ``<path>`` fixing all issues.
For some tasks you need to run the above command twice, e.g. for namespace migrations.
Afterwards you should run::
./vendor/bin/phpcs <path>
To get information about possible issues that were not autofixed.
To prevent issues, use the following setup::
./vendor/bin/phpcs --standard=Typo3Update -p --colors --runtime-set mappingFile <pathToMappingFile> <pathToCodeToCheck>
Same for ``phpcbf``.
Further examples
You might want to add ``-p --colors`` to see that something is happening.
Also make sure to ignore certain files like libraries or js and css files while running the update.
Check out the official docs for how to do so.
I do not see any issues regarding TYPO3 update but lots of coding style.
Then you probably have a :file:`phpcs.xml` in your project taking precedence. Add the
``-standard=`` argument to the call::
./vendor/bin/phpcs --standard=Typo3Update <path>
I see the error message ``Failed opening required 'Standards/Typo3Update/Sniffs/../../../../LegacyClassnames.php'``
Then you didn't configure :ref:`configuration-mappingFile`, check the link and update the