stages: - lint - setup - test lint:php7.2: image: php:7.2-alpine stage: lint before_script: - apk --no-cache add parallel script: - find localPackages/ -name \*.php | parallel --gnu php -d display_errors=stderr -l {} > /dev/null \; lint:xml: image: alpine:3.7 stage: lint before_script: - apk --no-cache add libxml2-utils - wget script: - xmllint --schema xliff-core-1.2-strict.xsd --noout $(find localPackages -name '*.xlf') lint:composer: image: composer:latest stage: lint script: - composer validate --no-check-publish --no-check-all setup:composer: image: composer:latest stage: setup script: - mkdir -p .composer/cache - composer config -g $GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN - COMPOSER_CACHE_DIR=.composer/cache composer install --no-progress --no-ansi --no-interaction -o cache: key: composer-cache paths: - .composer/cache artifacts: test:acceptance: image: php:7.2-alpine stage: test dependencies: - setup:composer before_script: - apk --no-cache add mysql - cp public/index.php app - cp public/typo3/index.php app/typo3/index.php - cp public/typo3/install.php app/typo3/install.php - mysql -u root -proot -e 'CREATE DATABASE workshopgitlabtesting CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;' - mysql -u root -proot -e "CREATE USER 'testing'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'testing';" - mysql -u root -proot -e "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON workshopgitlabtesting.* TO 'testing'@'localhost';" - mysql -u root -proot -e 'GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `workshopgitlabtesting\_%`.* TO testing@localhost;' - TYPO3_PATH_ROOT=$(pwd)/app/typo3temp/var/tests/acceptance TYPO3_PATH_APP=$(pwd)/app/typo3temp/var/tests/acceptance php -S -t app/typo3temp/var/tests/acceptance & script: - ./vendor/bin/codecept run