Welcome to TYPO3 Extension Workshop =================================== This workshop is about the basics of TYPO3 extensions, using Extbase and Fluid. Some "rules" for the workshop ----------------------------- * You will write all the code yourself. The repository is available though, if you need help or are to lazy… . * We will not call APIs without checking out their code. Always understand what your own code does. * I'm using the latest TYPO3 CMS 9 LTS, most of the parts are so basic, they should work from 4.5 onwards. * Ask questions as soon as possible. This way we have the context. * Tell me if you want less details. * All materials are available on Github: https://github.com/DanielSiepmann/typo3-extension-workshop * When should we make breaks? Any Smokers here? Topics ------ We will cover the following topics during the workshop, to build a foundation to build custom extensions: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :numbered: Extension StartNewExtension AddFirstPlugin UnderstandTypo3Plugins Views Configuration CustomRecords UpdatingRecords Outlook