.. include:: Includes.txt .. _start: ============================================================= EXT:tea ============================================================= :Version: |release| :Language: en :Description: This TYPO3 extension is an example of best practices in continuous integration and automated code checks, also Extbase/Fluid-based extensions for TYPO3 CMS using PHPUnit, writing unit and functional tests for extensions for TYPO3 CMS using PHPUnit. :Keywords: tea, ci, continousintegration, gitlab, githubactions, actions, tests, functional, unit :Copyright: 2021 by TYPO3 Association :Authors: * Oliver Klee :Email: typo3-coding@oliverklee.de :License: This extension is published under the `GNU General Public License v2.0 `__ :Rendered: |today| TYPO3 ===== The content of this document is related to TYPO3 CMS, a GNU/GPL CMS/Framework available from `typo3.org `_ . For Contributors ================ You are welcome to help improve this guide if you missing something. Just click on "Edit me on GitHub" on the top right to submit your change request or `report a problem `__ Table of Contents ================= .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 5 :titlesonly: :glob: Introduction/Index Linters/Index Documentation/Rendering/Index Sitemap