--- name: CI on: push: branches: - master pull_request: branches: - master jobs: php-lint: name: "PHP linter" runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: "Install PHP" uses: shivammathur/setup-php@v2 with: php-version: "${{ matrix.php-version }}" - name: "Run PHP lint" run: "composer ci:php:lint" strategy: matrix: php-version: - 7.2 - 7.3 - 7.4 code-quality: name: "Code quality checks" runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: "Install PHP" uses: shivammathur/setup-php@v2 with: php-version: "${{ matrix.php-version }}" - name: "Cache dependencies installed with composer" uses: actions/cache@v1 with: key: "php${{ matrix.php-version }}- composer-${{ hashFiles('**/composer.json') }}" path: ~/.composer/cache restore-keys: "php${{ matrix.php-version }}-composer-\n" - name: "Install Composer dependencies" run: "composer install --no-progress" - name: "Run command" run: "composer ci:${{ matrix.command }}" strategy: matrix: command: - "ts:lint" - "yaml:lint" - "json:lint" - "php:sniff" - "php:codestyle" php-version: - 7.4 xliff-lint: name: "Xliff linter" runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: "Install xmllint" run: "sudo apt-get install libxml2-utils wget" - name: "Download xliff schema" run: "wget https://docs.oasis-open.org/xliff/v1.2/os/xliff-core-1.2-strict.xsd" - name: "Run lint" run: "xmllint --schema ./xliff-core-1.2-strict.xsd --noout $(find Resources -name '*.xlf')" unit-tests: name: "Unit tests" runs-on: ubuntu-latest needs: php-lint steps: - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: "Install PHP" uses: shivammathur/setup-php@v2 with: php-version: "${{ matrix.php-version }}" - name: "Cache dependencies installed with composer" uses: actions/cache@v1 with: key: "php${{ matrix.php-version }} -composer-${{ hashFiles('**/composer.json') }}" path: ~/.composer/cache restore-keys: "php${{ matrix.php-version }}-composer-\n" - env: TYPO3: "${{ matrix.typo3-version }}" name: "Install TYPO3 Core" run: | composer require typo3/minimal:"$TYPO3" composer show - if: "matrix.composer-dependencies == 'lowest'" name: "Install lowest dependencies with composer" run: | composer update --no-ansi --no-interaction | --no-progress --no-suggest --prefer-lowest composer show - if: "matrix.composer-dependencies == 'highest'" name: "Install highest dependencies with composer" run: | composer update --no-ansi --no-interaction --no-progress --no-suggest composer show - name: "Run unit tests" run: "composer ci:tests:unit" strategy: matrix: composer-dependencies: - highest php-version: - 7.2 - 7.3 - 7.4 typo3-version: - ^9.5 - ^10.4 functional-tests: name: "Functional tests" runs-on: ubuntu-latest needs: php-lint steps: - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: "Install PHP" uses: shivammathur/setup-php@v2 with: php-version: "${{ matrix.php-version }}" - name: "Cache dependencies installed with composer" uses: actions/cache@v1 with: key: "php${{ matrix.php-version }} -composer-${{ hashFiles('**/composer.json') }}" path: ~/.composer/cache restore-keys: "php${{ matrix.php-version }}-composer-\n" - env: TYPO3: "${{ matrix.typo3-version }}" name: "Install TYPO3 Core" run: | composer require typo3/minimal:"$TYPO3" composer show - if: "matrix.composer-dependencies == 'lowest'" name: "Install lowest dependencies with composer" run: | composer update --no-ansi --no-interaction | --no-progress --no-suggest --prefer-lowest composer show - if: "matrix.composer-dependencies == 'highest'" name: "Install highest dependencies with composer" run: | composer update --no-ansi --no-interaction --no-progress --no-suggest composer show - name: "Start MySQL" run: "sudo /etc/init.d/mysql start" - name: "Run functional tests" run: |- export typo3DatabaseName="typo3"; export typo3DatabaseHost=""; export typo3DatabaseUsername="root"; export typo3DatabasePassword="root"; composer ci:tests:functional strategy: matrix: composer-dependencies: - highest php-version: - 7.2 - 7.3 - 7.4 typo3-version: - ^9.5 - ^10.4 security-test: name: "PHP Security test" runs-on: ubuntu-latest strategy: matrix: php-version: - 7.4 steps: - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: "Install PHP" uses: shivammathur/setup-php@v2 with: php-version: "${{ matrix.php-version }}" - name: "Cache dependencies installed with composer" uses: actions/cache@v1 with: key: "php${{ matrix.php-version }} -composer-${{ hashFiles('**/composer.json') }}" path: ~/.composer/cache restore-keys: "php${{ matrix.php-version }}-composer-\n" - name: "Install Composer dependencies" run: "composer install --no-progress" - name: "Run PHP Security test" run: "composer ci:security"