# Tea example This TYPO3 extension is an example for writing unit tests for extbase extensions for TYPO3 CMS using PHPUnit. ## About me (Oliver Klee) I am the maintainer of the [PHPUnit TYPO3 extension](http://typo3.org/extensions/repository/view/phpunit), which is available in the TYPO3 extension repository (TER). You can book me for [workshops](https://www.oliverklee.de/workshops/workshops.html) at your company. I also frequently give workshops at the TYPO3 Developer Days. ## More Documentation * [Handout to my workshops on test-driven development (TDD)](https://github.com/oliverklee/tdd-reader) * [Manual for the PHPUnit TYPO3 extension](https://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/extensions/phpunit/) ## Other example projects * [Selenium demo](https://github.com/oliverklee/selenium-demo) for using Selenium with PHPUnit * [Anagram finder](https://github.com/oliverklee/anagram-finder) is the finished result of a code kata for TDD * [Coffee example](https://github.com/oliverklee/coffee) is my starting point for demonstrating TDD