.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _introduction: ============ Introduction ============ .. _what-it-does: What does it do? ================ This TYPO3 extension, based on Extbase and Fluid, is an example of best practices in automated code checks, unit/functional/acceptance testing and continuous integration (CI). .. note:: This is not a kickstarter extension. This extension should not be used to kickstart other extensions. Instead, this extension should serve as an example for best practices. Use `EXT:extension_builder <https://extensions.typo3.org/extension/extension_builder>`__ in order to kickstart a new extension. .. _why-is-this-extension-called-tea: Why is this extension called "tea"? =================================== Good extension names cover the domain of their purpose. This extension is about managing teas. That's why the name "tea" is a good fit. We could also add `_example` to the name in order to state that this extension is an example. But that would already break with our goal to provide a best practice. This is not related to the `tea package manager <https://tea.xyz/>`__. .. _presentation-online-days-2021: Presentation at the TYPO3 Online Days 2021 ========================================== At the TYPO3 Online Days 2021, `Oliver Klee <https://www.oliverklee.de/>`__ held a session presenting our approach to automate extension code quality. Have a look at the slides and the video of the presentation! .. container:: row m-0 p-0 .. container:: col-md-6 pl-0 pr-3 py-3 m-0 .. container:: card px-0 h-100 .. rst-class:: card-header h3 .. rubric:: Slides .. container:: card-body .. image:: /Images/SlidesCover.jpg :target: https://speakerdeck.com/oliverklee/automating-the-code-quality-of-your-extensions .. container:: col-md-6 pl-0 pr-3 py-3 m-0 .. container:: card px-0 h-100 .. rst-class:: card-header h3 .. rubric:: Video .. container:: card-body .. image:: /Images/VideoCover.jpg :target: https://youtu.be/_oe8ku2GM84?t=6983