sudo: false language: php php: - 7.0 - 7.1 - 7.2 env: global: - typo3DatabaseHost=localhost typo3DatabaseName=typo3 typo3DatabaseUsername=travis typo3DatabasePassword='' matrix: - TYPO3_VERSION="^8.7" - TYPO3_VERSION="^8.7" DEPENDENCIES_PREFERENCE="--prefer-lowest" matrix: exclude: cache: directories: - .Build/vendor - $HOME/.composer/cache before_install: - phpenv config-rm xdebug.ini install: - composer require typo3/minimal "$TYPO3_VERSION" $DEPENDENCIES_PREFERENCE - git checkout . script: - > echo; echo "Linting all PHP files"; composer ci:php:lint; - > echo; echo "Linting all TypoScript files"; composer ci:ts:lint; - > echo; echo "Running the unit tests"; composer ci:tests:unit; - > echo; echo "Running the model tests"; .Build/vendor/bin/phpunit -c Configuration/PHPUnit/ModelTests.xml; - > echo; echo "Running the functional tests"; composer ci:tests:functional;