# Tea example This TYPO3 extension is an example for writing unit tests for extbase extensions for TYPO3 CMS using PHPUnit. The functional tests for the Repositories provide an example of creating records using the PHPUnit extension testing framework. The functional test for the Utility/FileUtility class provides examples for working with [vfsStream](https://github.com/mikey179/vfsStream/). ## About me (Oliver Klee) I am the maintainer of the [PHPUnit TYPO3 extension](http://typo3.org/extensions/repository/view/phpunit), which is available in the TYPO3 extension repository (TER). You can book me for [workshops](https://www.oliverklee.de/workshops/workshops.html) at your company. I also frequently give workshops at the TYPO3 Developer Days. ## More Documentation * [Handout to my workshops on test-driven development (TDD)](https://github.com/oliverklee/tdd-reader) * [Manual for the PHPUnit TYPO3 extension](https://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/extensions/phpunit/) ## Other example projects * [Selenium demo](https://github.com/oliverklee/selenium-demo) for using Selenium with PHPUnit * [Anagram finder](https://github.com/oliverklee/anagram-finder) is the finished result of a code kata for TDD * [Coffee example](https://github.com/oliverklee/coffee) is my starting point for demonstrating TDD