includes: - phpstan-baseline.neon - .Build/vendor/spaze/phpstan-disallowed-calls/disallowed-dangerous-calls.neon - .Build/vendor/spaze/phpstan-disallowed-calls/disallowed-execution-calls.neon - .Build/vendor/spaze/phpstan-disallowed-calls/disallowed-insecure-calls.neon - .Build/vendor/spaze/phpstan-disallowed-calls/disallowed-loose-calls.neon parameters: parallel: # Don't be overly greedy on machines with more CPU's to be a good neighbor especially on CI maximumNumberOfProcesses: 5 level: 9 paths: - Classes - Configuration - Tests - ext_localconf.php # Allow instanceof checks, particularly in tests checkAlwaysTrueCheckTypeFunctionCall: false type_coverage: return_type: 100 param_type: 100 property_type: 95 cognitive_complexity: class: 10 function: 5 disallowedFunctionCalls: - function: - 'var_dump()' - 'xdebug_break()' - 'debug()' message: 'Use logging instead or remove if it was for debugging purposes.' - function: 'header()' message: 'Use PSR-7 API instead' disallowedStaticCalls: - method: - 'TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Utility\DebuggerUtility::var_dump()' - 'TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\DebugUtility::debug()' message: 'Use logging instead or remove if it was for debugging purposes.' disallowedSuperglobals: - superglobal: - '$_GET' - '$_POST' - '$_FILES' - '$_SERVER' message: 'Use PSR-7 API instead' ignoreErrors: - message: '#Out of 1 possible constant types#' path: Tests/Functional/Command/CreateTestDataCommandTest.php