#!/usr/bin/env bash # # TYPO3 extension tea test runner based on docker. # if [ "${CI}" != "true" ]; then trap 'echo "runTests.sh SIGINT signal emitted";cleanUp;exit 2' SIGINT fi waitFor() { local HOST=${1} local PORT=${2} local TESTCOMMAND=" COUNT=0; while ! nc -z ${HOST} ${PORT}; do if [ \"\${COUNT}\" -gt 20 ]; then echo \"Can not connect to ${HOST} port ${PORT}. Aborting.\"; exit 1; fi; sleep 1; COUNT=\$((COUNT + 1)); done; " ${CONTAINER_BIN} run ${CONTAINER_COMMON_PARAMS} --name wait-for-${SUFFIX} ${XDEBUG_MODE} -e XDEBUG_CONFIG="${XDEBUG_CONFIG}" ${IMAGE_ALPINE} /bin/sh -c "${TESTCOMMAND}" # shellcheck disable=SC2181 # Disabled because we don‘t want to move the long line between the brackets if [[ $? -gt 0 ]]; then kill -SIGINT -$$ fi } cleanUp() { ATTACHED_CONTAINERS=$(${CONTAINER_BIN} ps --filter network=${NETWORK} --format='{{.Names}}') for ATTACHED_CONTAINER in ${ATTACHED_CONTAINERS}; do ${CONTAINER_BIN} kill ${ATTACHED_CONTAINER} >/dev/null done ${CONTAINER_BIN} network rm ${NETWORK} >/dev/null } handleDbmsOptions() { # -a, -d, -i depend on each other. Validate input combinations and set defaults. case ${DBMS} in mariadb) [ -z "${DATABASE_DRIVER}" ] && DATABASE_DRIVER="mysqli" if [ "${DATABASE_DRIVER}" != "mysqli" ] && [ "${DATABASE_DRIVER}" != "pdo_mysql" ]; then echo "Invalid combination -d ${DBMS} -a ${DATABASE_DRIVER}" >&2 echo >&2 echo "Use \".Build/Scripts/runTests.sh -h\" to display help and valid options" >&2 exit 1 fi [ -z "${DBMS_VERSION}" ] && DBMS_VERSION="10.3" if ! [[ ${DBMS_VERSION} =~ ^(10.3|10.4|10.5|10.6|10.7|10.8|10.9|10.10|10.11|11.0|11.1)$ ]]; then echo "Invalid combination -d ${DBMS} -i ${DBMS_VERSION}" >&2 echo >&2 echo "Use \".Build/Scripts/runTests.sh -h\" to display help and valid options" >&2 exit 1 fi ;; mysql) [ -z "${DATABASE_DRIVER}" ] && DATABASE_DRIVER="mysqli" if [ "${DATABASE_DRIVER}" != "mysqli" ] && [ "${DATABASE_DRIVER}" != "pdo_mysql" ]; then echo "Invalid combination -d ${DBMS} -a ${DATABASE_DRIVER}" >&2 echo >&2 echo "Use \".Build/Scripts/runTests.sh -h\" to display help and valid options" >&2 exit 1 fi [ -z "${DBMS_VERSION}" ] && DBMS_VERSION="8.0" if ! [[ ${DBMS_VERSION} =~ ^(5.5|5.6|5.7|8.0)$ ]]; then echo "Invalid combination -d ${DBMS} -i ${DBMS_VERSION}" >&2 echo >&2 echo "Use \".Build/Scripts/runTests.sh -h\" to display help and valid options" >&2 exit 1 fi ;; postgres) if [ -n "${DATABASE_DRIVER}" ]; then echo "Invalid combination -d ${DBMS} -a ${DATABASE_DRIVER}" >&2 echo >&2 echo "Use \".Build/Scripts/runTests.sh -h\" to display help and valid options" >&2 exit 1 fi [ -z "${DBMS_VERSION}" ] && DBMS_VERSION="10" if ! [[ ${DBMS_VERSION} =~ ^(10|11|12|13|14|15|16)$ ]]; then echo "Invalid combination -d ${DBMS} -i ${DBMS_VERSION}" >&2 echo >&2 echo "Use \".Build/Scripts/runTests.sh -h\" to display help and valid options" >&2 exit 1 fi ;; sqlite) if [ -n "${DATABASE_DRIVER}" ]; then echo "Invalid combination -d ${DBMS} -a ${DATABASE_DRIVER}" >&2 echo >&2 echo "Use \".Build/Scripts/runTests.sh -h\" to display help and valid options" >&2 exit 1 fi if [ -n "${DBMS_VERSION}" ]; then echo "Invalid combination -d ${DBMS} -i ${DATABASE_DRIVER}" >&2 echo >&2 echo "Use \".Build/Scripts/runTests.sh -h\" to display help and valid options" >&2 exit 1 fi ;; *) echo "Invalid option -d ${DBMS}" >&2 echo >&2 echo "Use \".Build/Scripts/runTests.sh -h\" to display help and valid options" >&2 exit 1 ;; esac } cleanCacheFiles() { echo -n "Clean caches ... " rm -rf \ .Build/.cache \ .php-cs-fixer.cache echo "done" } cleanTestFiles() { # test related echo -n "Clean test related files ... " rm -rf \ .Build/public/typo3temp/var/tests/ echo "done" } cleanRenderedDocumentationFiles() { echo -n "Clean rendered documentation files ... " rm -rf \ Documentation-GENERATED-temp echo "done" } loadHelp() { # Load help text into $HELP read -r -d '' HELP <<EOF TYPO3 core test runner. Execute unit, functional and other test suites in a container based test environment. Handles execution of single test files, sending xdebug information to a local IDE and more. Usage: $0 [options] [file] Options: -s <...> Specifies which test suite to run - cgl: Fixes the code style with the PHP Coding Standards Fixer (PHP-CS-Fixer). - clean: clean up build, cache and testing related files and folders - cleanCache: clean up cache related files and folders - cleanRenderedDocumentation: clean up rendered documentation files and folders (Documentation-GENERATED-temp) - cleanTests: clean up test related files and folders - composer: "composer" with all remaining arguments dispatched. - composerNormalize: Normalizes the composer.json. - composerUnused: Finds unused Composer packages. - composerUpdateMax: "composer update", with no platform.php config. - composerUpdateMin: "composer update --prefer-lowest", with platform.php set to PHP version x.x.0. - docsGenerate: Renders the extension ReST documentation. - fix: Runs all automatic code style fixes. - functional: PHP functional tests - lintCss: CSS file linting. Set -n for dry-run. - lintJs: JavaScript file linting. Set -n for dry-run. - lintJson: JSON linting - lintPhp: PHP linting - lintTypoScript: TypoScript linting - lintYaml: YAML linting - npm: "npm" with all remaining arguments dispatched. - phpstan: PHPStan tests - phpstanGenerateBaseline: regenerate PHPStan baseline, handy after PHPStan updates - shellcheck: check runTests.sh for shell issues - unit (default): PHP unit tests - unitRandom: PHP unit tests in random order, add -o <number> to use specific seed - update: Updates existing typo3/core-testing-*:latest container images and removes dangling local volumes. -a <mysqli|pdo_mysql> Only with -s functional|functionalDeprecated Specifies to use another driver, following combinations are available: - mysql - mysqli (default) - pdo_mysql - mariadb - mysqli (default) - pdo_mysql -b <docker|podman> Container environment: - docker (default) - podman -d <sqlite|mariadb|mysql|postgres> Only with -s functional|functionalDeprecated Specifies on which DBMS tests are performed - mariadb: use mariadb - mysql: use MySQL - postgres: use postgres - sqlite: (default): use sqlite -i version Specify a specific database version With "-d mariadb": - 10.3 short-term, maintained until 2023-05-25 (default) - 10.4 short-term, maintained until 2024-06-18 - 10.5 short-term, maintained until 2025-06-24 - 10.6 long-term, maintained until 2026-06 - 10.7 short-term, no longer maintained - 10.8 short-term, maintained until 2023-05 - 10.9 short-term, maintained until 2023-08 - 10.10 short-term, maintained until 2023-11 - 10.11 long-term, maintained until 2028-02 - 11.0 development series - 11.1 short-term development series With "-d mysql": - 5.5 unmaintained since 2018-12 - 5.6 unmaintained since 2021-02 - 5.7 maintained until 2023-10 - 8.0 maintained until 2026-04 (default) With "-d postgres": - 10 unmaintained since 2022-11-10 (default) - 11 unmaintained since 2023-11-09 - 12 maintained until 2024-11-14 - 13 maintained until 2025-11-13 - 14 maintained until 2026-11-12 - 15 maintained until 2027-11-11 - 16 maintained until 2028-11-09 -t <11.5|12.4> Only with -s composerUpdateMin|composerUpdateMax Specifies the TYPO3 CORE Version to be used - 11.5: use TYPO3 v11 with typo3/cms-composer-installers ^3 - 12.4: (default) use TYPO3 v12 with typo3/cms-composer-installers ^5 -p <7.4|8.0|8.1|8.2|8.3|8.4> Specifies the PHP minor version to be used - 7.4: use PHP 7.4 - 8.0: use PHP 8.0 - 8.1: use PHP 8.1 - 8.2: use PHP 8.2 - 8.3: (default) use PHP 8.3 - 8.4: use PHP 8.4 -e "<phpunit options>" Only with -s functional|functionalDeprecated|unit|unitDeprecated|unitRandom Additional options to send to phpunit (unit & functional tests). For phpunit, options starting with "--" must be added after options starting with "-". Example -e "-v --filter canRetrieveValueWithGP" to enable verbose output AND filter tests named "canRetrieveValueWithGP" -x Only with -s functional|functionalDeprecated|unit|unitDeprecated|unitRandom Send information to host instance for test or system under test break points. This is especially useful if a local PhpStorm instance is listening on default xdebug port 9003. A different port can be selected with -y -y <port> Send xdebug information to a different port than default 9003 if an IDE like PhpStorm is not listening on default port. -o <number> Only with -s unitRandom Set specific random seed to replay a random run in this order again. The phpunit randomizer outputs the used seed at the end (in gitlab core testing logs, too). Use that number to replay the unit tests in that order. -n Only with -s cgl|composerNormalize|npm|lintJs|lintCss Activate dry-run in checks so they do not actively change files and only print broken ones. -u Update existing typo3/core-testing-*:latest container images and remove dangling local volumes. New images are published once in a while and only the latest ones are supported by core testing. Use this if weird test errors occur. Also removes obsolete image versions of typo3/core-testing-*. -h Show this help. Examples: # Run all core unit tests using PHP 8.3 ./Build/Scripts/runTests.sh ./Build/Scripts/runTests.sh -s unit # Run all core units tests and enable xdebug (have a PhpStorm listening on port 9003!) ./Build/Scripts/runTests.sh -x # Run unit tests in phpunit verbose mode with xdebug on PHP 8.1 and filter for test canRetrieveValueWithGP ./Build/Scripts/runTests.sh -x -p 8.1 -e "-v --filter canRetrieveValueWithGP" # Run functional tests in phpunit with a filtered test method name in a specified file # example will currently execute two tests, both of which start with the search term ./Build/Scripts/runTests.sh -s functional -e "--filter deleteContent" typo3/sysext/core/Tests/Functional/DataHandling/Regular/Modify/ActionTest.php # Run functional tests on postgres with xdebug, php 8.1 and execute a restricted set of tests ./Build/Scripts/runTests.sh -x -p 8.1 -s functional -d postgres typo3/sysext/core/Tests/Functional/Authentication # Run functional tests on postgres 11 ./Build/Scripts/runTests.sh -s functional -d postgres -i 11 EOF } # Test if at least one of the supported container binaries exists, else exit out with error if ! type "docker" >/dev/null 2>&1 && ! type "podman" >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo "This script relies on docker or podman. Please install at least one of them" >&2 exit 1 fi # Go to the directory this script is located, so everything else is relative # to this dir, no matter from where this script is called, then go up two dirs. THIS_SCRIPT_DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" >/dev/null && pwd)" cd "$THIS_SCRIPT_DIR" || exit 1 cd ../../ || exit 1 ROOT_DIR="${PWD}" # Option defaults TEST_SUITE="unit" CORE_VERSION="12.4" DBMS="sqlite" DBMS_VERSION="" PHP_VERSION="8.3" PHP_XDEBUG_ON=0 PHP_XDEBUG_PORT=9003 EXTRA_TEST_OPTIONS="" PHPUNIT_RANDOM="" # CGLCHECK_DRY_RUN is a more generic dry-run switch not limited to CGL CGLCHECK_DRY_RUN=0 DATABASE_DRIVER="" CONTAINER_BIN="" COMPOSER_ROOT_VERSION="3.0.x-dev" NODE_VERSION=22 HELP_TEXT_NPM_CI="Now running \'npm ci --silent\'." HELP_TEXT_NPM_FAILURE="npm clean-install has failed. Please run \'${0} -s npm ci\' to explore." CONTAINER_INTERACTIVE="-it --init" HOST_UID=$(id -u) HOST_PID=$(id -g) USERSET="" SUFFIX="$RANDOM" NETWORK="typo3-best-practices-tea-${SUFFIX}" CI_PARAMS="${CI_PARAMS:-}" CONTAINER_HOST="host.docker.internal" # shellcheck disable=SC2034 # This variable will be needed when we try to clean up the root folder PHPSTAN_CONFIG_FILE="phpstan.neon" IS_CORE_CI=0 # Option parsing updates above default vars # Reset in case getopts has been used previously in the shell OPTIND=1 # Array for invalid options INVALID_OPTIONS=() # Simple option parsing based on getopts (! not getopt) while getopts "a:b:s:d:i:p:e:t:xy:o:nhu" OPT; do case ${OPT} in s) TEST_SUITE=${OPTARG} ;; a) DATABASE_DRIVER=${OPTARG} ;; b) if ! [[ ${OPTARG} =~ ^(docker|podman)$ ]]; then INVALID_OPTIONS+=("-b ${OPTARG}") fi CONTAINER_BIN=${OPTARG} ;; d) DBMS=${OPTARG} ;; i) DBMS_VERSION=${OPTARG} ;; p) PHP_VERSION=${OPTARG} if ! [[ ${PHP_VERSION} =~ ^(7.4|8.0|8.1|8.2|8.3|8.4)$ ]]; then INVALID_OPTIONS+=("-p ${OPTARG}") fi ;; e) EXTRA_TEST_OPTIONS=${OPTARG} ;; t) CORE_VERSION=${OPTARG} if ! [[ ${CORE_VERSION} =~ ^(11.5|12.4)$ ]]; then INVALID_OPTIONS+=("-t ${OPTARG}") fi ;; x) PHP_XDEBUG_ON=1 ;; y) PHP_XDEBUG_PORT=${OPTARG} ;; o) PHPUNIT_RANDOM="--random-order-seed=${OPTARG}" ;; n) CGLCHECK_DRY_RUN=1 ;; h) loadHelp echo "${HELP}" exit 0 ;; u) TEST_SUITE=update ;; \?) INVALID_OPTIONS+=("-${OPTARG}") ;; :) INVALID_OPTIONS+=("-${OPTARG}") ;; esac done # Exit on invalid options if [ ${#INVALID_OPTIONS[@]} -ne 0 ]; then echo "Invalid option(s):" >&2 for I in "${INVALID_OPTIONS[@]}"; do echo ${I} >&2 done echo >&2 echo "call \".Build/Scripts/runTests.sh -h\" to display help and valid options" exit 1 fi handleDbmsOptions # ENV var "CI" is set by gitlab-ci. Use it to force some CI details. if [ "${CI}" == "true" ]; then IS_CORE_CI=1 CONTAINER_INTERACTIVE="" fi # determine default container binary to use: 1. podman 2. docker if [[ -z "${CONTAINER_BIN}" ]]; then if type "podman" >/dev/null 2>&1; then CONTAINER_BIN="podman" elif type "docker" >/dev/null 2>&1; then CONTAINER_BIN="docker" fi fi if [ "$(uname)" != "Darwin" ] && [ "${CONTAINER_BIN}" == "docker" ]; then # Run docker jobs as current user to prevent permission issues. Not needed with podman. USERSET="--user $HOST_UID" fi if ! type ${CONTAINER_BIN} >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo "Selected container environment \"${CONTAINER_BIN}\" not found. Please install \"${CONTAINER_BIN}\" or use -b option to select one." >&2 exit 1 fi # Create .cache dir: composer need this. mkdir -p .cache mkdir -p .Build/public/typo3temp/var/tests IMAGE_PHP="ghcr.io/typo3/core-testing-$(echo "php${PHP_VERSION}" | sed -e 's/\.//'):latest" IMAGE_NODE="docker.io/node:${NODE_VERSION}-alpine" IMAGE_ALPINE="docker.io/alpine:3.8" IMAGE_SHELLCHECK="docker.io/koalaman/shellcheck:v0.10.0" IMAGE_DOCS="ghcr.io/typo3-documentation/render-guides:latest" IMAGE_MARIADB="docker.io/mariadb:${DBMS_VERSION}" IMAGE_MYSQL="docker.io/mysql:${DBMS_VERSION}" IMAGE_POSTGRES="docker.io/postgres:${DBMS_VERSION}-alpine" # Set $1 to first mass argument, this is the optional test file or test directory to execute shift $((OPTIND - 1)) TEST_FILE=${1} ${CONTAINER_BIN} network create ${NETWORK} >/dev/null if [ "${CONTAINER_BIN}" == "docker" ]; then CONTAINER_COMMON_PARAMS="${CONTAINER_INTERACTIVE} --rm --network ${NETWORK} --add-host "${CONTAINER_HOST}:host-gateway" ${USERSET} -v ${ROOT_DIR}:${ROOT_DIR} -w ${ROOT_DIR}" else # podman CONTAINER_HOST="host.containers.internal" CONTAINER_COMMON_PARAMS="${CONTAINER_INTERACTIVE} ${CI_PARAMS} --rm --network ${NETWORK} -v ${ROOT_DIR}:${ROOT_DIR} -w ${ROOT_DIR}" fi if [ ${PHP_XDEBUG_ON} -eq 0 ]; then XDEBUG_MODE="-e XDEBUG_MODE=off" XDEBUG_CONFIG=" " else XDEBUG_MODE="-e XDEBUG_MODE=debug -e XDEBUG_TRIGGER=foo" XDEBUG_CONFIG="client_port=${PHP_XDEBUG_PORT} client_host=host.docker.internal" fi # Suite execution case ${TEST_SUITE} in cgl) if [ "${CGLCHECK_DRY_RUN}" -eq 1 ]; then COMMAND="composer ci:php:cs-fixer" else COMMAND="composer fix:php:cs" fi ${CONTAINER_BIN} run ${CONTAINER_COMMON_PARAMS} --name composer-command-${SUFFIX} -e COMPOSER_CACHE_DIR=.cache/composer -e COMPOSER_ROOT_VERSION=${COMPOSER_ROOT_VERSION} ${IMAGE_PHP} /bin/sh -c "${COMMAND}" SUITE_EXIT_CODE=$? ;; clean) cleanCacheFiles cleanRenderedDocumentationFiles cleanTestFiles ;; cleanCache) cleanCacheFiles ;; cleanRenderedDocumentation) cleanRenderedDocumentationFiles ;; cleanTests) cleanTestFiles ;; composer) COMMAND_PARTS=(composer "$@") ${CONTAINER_BIN} run ${CONTAINER_COMMON_PARAMS} --name composer-command-${SUFFIX} -e COMPOSER_CACHE_DIR=.cache/composer -e COMPOSER_ROOT_VERSION=${COMPOSER_ROOT_VERSION} ${IMAGE_PHP} "${COMMAND_PARTS[@]}" SUITE_EXIT_CODE=$? ;; composerUpdateMax) COMMAND="composer config --unset platform.php; composer require --no-ansi --no-interaction --no-progress --no-install typo3/cms-core:"^${CORE_VERSION}"; composer update --no-progress --no-interaction; composer dumpautoload; composer show" ${CONTAINER_BIN} run ${CONTAINER_COMMON_PARAMS} --name composer-install-max-${SUFFIX} -e COMPOSER_CACHE_DIR=.cache/composer -e COMPOSER_ROOT_VERSION=${COMPOSER_ROOT_VERSION} ${IMAGE_PHP} /bin/sh -c "${COMMAND}" SUITE_EXIT_CODE=$? ;; composerUpdateMin) COMMAND="composer config platform.php ${PHP_VERSION}.0; composer require --no-ansi --no-interaction --no-progress --no-install typo3/cms-core:"^${CORE_VERSION}"; composer update --prefer-lowest --no-progress --no-interaction; composer dumpautoload; composer show" ${CONTAINER_BIN} run ${CONTAINER_COMMON_PARAMS} --name composer-install-min-${SUFFIX} -e COMPOSER_CACHE_DIR=.cache/composer -e COMPOSER_ROOT_VERSION=${COMPOSER_ROOT_VERSION} ${IMAGE_PHP} /bin/sh -c "${COMMAND}" SUITE_EXIT_CODE=$? ;; composerNormalize) COMMAND="composer ci:composer:normalize" if [ "${CGLCHECK_DRY_RUN}" -eq 1 ]; then COMMAND="composer ci:composer:normalize" else COMMAND="composer fix:composer:normalize" fi ${CONTAINER_BIN} run ${CONTAINER_COMMON_PARAMS} --name composer-normalize-${SUFFIX} -e COMPOSER_CACHE_DIR=.cache/composer -e COMPOSER_ROOT_VERSION=${COMPOSER_ROOT_VERSION} ${IMAGE_DOCS} /bin/sh -c "${COMMAND}" SUITE_EXIT_CODE=$? ;; composerUnused) COMMAND="composer ci:composer:unused" ${CONTAINER_BIN} run ${CONTAINER_COMMON_PARAMS} --name composer-unused-${SUFFIX} -e COMPOSER_CACHE_DIR=.cache/composer -e COMPOSER_ROOT_VERSION=${COMPOSER_ROOT_VERSION} ${IMAGE_PHP} /bin/sh -c "${COMMAND}" SUITE_EXIT_CODE=$? ;; docsGenerate) mkdir -p Documentation-GENERATED-temp chown -R ${HOST_UID}:${HOST_PID} Documentation-GENERATED-temp ${CONTAINER_BIN} run ${CONTAINER_INTERACTIVE} --rm --pull always ${USERSET} -v "${ROOT_DIR}":/project ${IMAGE_DOCS} --config=Documentation --fail-on-log SUITE_EXIT_CODE=$? ;; fix) COMMAND="composer fix" ${CONTAINER_BIN} run ${CONTAINER_COMMON_PARAMS} --name composer-command-${SUFFIX} -e COMPOSER_CACHE_DIR=.cache/composer -e COMPOSER_ROOT_VERSION=${COMPOSER_ROOT_VERSION} ${IMAGE_PHP} /bin/sh -c "${COMMAND}" COMMAND="echo ${HELP_TEXT_NPM_CI}; npm ci --silent || { echo ${HELP_TEXT_NPM_FAILURE}; exit 1; } && npm run fix:lint:js" ${CONTAINER_BIN} run ${CONTAINER_COMMON_PARAMS} --name npm-command-${SUFFIX} ${IMAGE_NODE} /bin/sh -c "${COMMAND}" COMMAND="echo ${HELP_TEXT_NPM_CI}; npm ci --silent || { echo ${HELP_TEXT_NPM_FAILURE}; exit 1; } && npm run fix:lint:css" ${CONTAINER_BIN} run ${CONTAINER_COMMON_PARAMS} --name npm-command-${SUFFIX} ${IMAGE_NODE} /bin/sh -c "${COMMAND}" SUITE_EXIT_CODE=$? ;; shellcheck) ${CONTAINER_BIN} run ${CONTAINER_INTERACTIVE} --rm --pull always ${USERSET} -v "${ROOT_DIR}":/project:ro -e SHELLCHECK_OPTS="-e SC2086" ${IMAGE_SHELLCHECK} /project/Build/Scripts/runTests.sh SUITE_EXIT_CODE=$? ;; functional) [ -z "${TEST_FILE}" ] && TEST_FILE="Tests/Functional" COMMAND=".Build/bin/phpunit -c Build/phpunit/FunctionalTests.xml --exclude-group not-${DBMS} ${EXTRA_TEST_OPTIONS} ${TEST_FILE}" case ${DBMS} in mariadb) echo "Using driver: ${DATABASE_DRIVER}" ${CONTAINER_BIN} run --rm ${CI_PARAMS} --name mariadb-func-${SUFFIX} --network ${NETWORK} -d -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=funcp --tmpfs /var/lib/mysql/:rw,noexec,nosuid ${IMAGE_MARIADB} >/dev/null waitFor mariadb-func-${SUFFIX} 3306 CONTAINERPARAMS="-e typo3DatabaseDriver=${DATABASE_DRIVER} -e typo3DatabaseName=func_test -e typo3DatabaseUsername=root -e typo3DatabaseHost=mariadb-func-${SUFFIX} -e typo3DatabasePassword=funcp" ${CONTAINER_BIN} run ${CONTAINER_COMMON_PARAMS} --name functional-${SUFFIX} ${XDEBUG_MODE} -e XDEBUG_CONFIG="${XDEBUG_CONFIG}" ${CONTAINERPARAMS} ${IMAGE_PHP} ${COMMAND} SUITE_EXIT_CODE=$? ;; mysql) echo "Using driver: ${DATABASE_DRIVER}" ${CONTAINER_BIN} run --rm ${CI_PARAMS} --name mysql-func-${SUFFIX} --network ${NETWORK} -d -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=funcp --tmpfs /var/lib/mysql/:rw,noexec,nosuid ${IMAGE_MYSQL} >/dev/null waitFor mysql-func-${SUFFIX} 3306 CONTAINERPARAMS="-e typo3DatabaseDriver=${DATABASE_DRIVER} -e typo3DatabaseName=func_test -e typo3DatabaseUsername=root -e typo3DatabaseHost=mysql-func-${SUFFIX} -e typo3DatabasePassword=funcp" ${CONTAINER_BIN} run ${CONTAINER_COMMON_PARAMS} --name functional-${SUFFIX} ${XDEBUG_MODE} -e XDEBUG_CONFIG="${XDEBUG_CONFIG}" ${CONTAINERPARAMS} ${IMAGE_PHP} ${COMMAND} SUITE_EXIT_CODE=$? ;; postgres) ${CONTAINER_BIN} run --rm ${CI_PARAMS} --name postgres-func-${SUFFIX} --network ${NETWORK} -d -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=funcp -e POSTGRES_USER=funcu --tmpfs /var/lib/postgresql/data:rw,noexec,nosuid ${IMAGE_POSTGRES} >/dev/null waitFor postgres-func-${SUFFIX} 5432 CONTAINERPARAMS="-e typo3DatabaseDriver=pdo_pgsql -e typo3DatabaseName=bamboo -e typo3DatabaseUsername=funcu -e typo3DatabaseHost=postgres-func-${SUFFIX} -e typo3DatabasePassword=funcp" ${CONTAINER_BIN} run ${CONTAINER_COMMON_PARAMS} --name functional-${SUFFIX} ${XDEBUG_MODE} -e XDEBUG_CONFIG="${XDEBUG_CONFIG}" ${CONTAINERPARAMS} ${IMAGE_PHP} ${COMMAND} SUITE_EXIT_CODE=$? ;; sqlite) CONTAINERPARAMS="-e typo3DatabaseDriver=pdo_sqlite" ${CONTAINER_BIN} run ${CONTAINER_COMMON_PARAMS} --name functional-${SUFFIX} ${XDEBUG_MODE} -e XDEBUG_CONFIG="${XDEBUG_CONFIG}" ${CONTAINERPARAMS} ${IMAGE_PHP} ${COMMAND} SUITE_EXIT_CODE=$? ;; esac ;; lintTypoScript) COMMAND="composer ci:typoscript:lint" ${CONTAINER_BIN} run ${CONTAINER_COMMON_PARAMS} --name composer-command-${SUFFIX} -e COMPOSER_CACHE_DIR=.cache/composer -e COMPOSER_ROOT_VERSION=${COMPOSER_ROOT_VERSION} ${IMAGE_PHP} /bin/sh -c "${COMMAND}" SUITE_EXIT_CODE=$? ;; lintPhp) COMMAND="composer ci:php:lint" ${CONTAINER_BIN} run ${CONTAINER_COMMON_PARAMS} --name composer-command-${SUFFIX} -e COMPOSER_CACHE_DIR=.cache/composer -e COMPOSER_ROOT_VERSION=${COMPOSER_ROOT_VERSION} ${IMAGE_PHP} /bin/sh -c "${COMMAND}" SUITE_EXIT_CODE=$? ;; lintJs) if [ "${CGLCHECK_DRY_RUN}" -eq 1 ]; then COMMAND="echo ${HELP_TEXT_NPM_CI}; npm ci --silent || { echo ${HELP_TEXT_NPM_FAILURE}; exit 1; } && npm run ci:lint:js" else COMMAND="echo ${HELP_TEXT_NPM_CI}; npm ci --silent || { echo ${HELP_TEXT_NPM_FAILURE}; exit 1; } && npm run fix:lint:js" fi ${CONTAINER_BIN} run ${CONTAINER_COMMON_PARAMS} --name npm-command-${SUFFIX} ${IMAGE_NODE} /bin/sh -c "${COMMAND}" SUITE_EXIT_CODE=$? ;; lintCss) if [ "${CGLCHECK_DRY_RUN}" -eq 1 ]; then COMMAND="echo ${HELP_TEXT_NPM_CI}; npm ci --silent || { echo ${HELP_TEXT_NPM_FAILURE}; exit 1; } && npm run ci:lint:css" else COMMAND="echo ${HELP_TEXT_NPM_CI}; npm ci --silent || { echo ${HELP_TEXT_NPM_FAILURE}; exit 1; } && npm run fix:lint:css" fi ${CONTAINER_BIN} run ${CONTAINER_COMMON_PARAMS} --name npm-command-${SUFFIX} ${IMAGE_NODE} /bin/sh -c "${COMMAND}" SUITE_EXIT_CODE=$? ;; lintJson) COMMAND="composer ci:json:lint" ${CONTAINER_BIN} run ${CONTAINER_COMMON_PARAMS} --name composer-command-${SUFFIX} -e COMPOSER_CACHE_DIR=.cache/composer -e COMPOSER_ROOT_VERSION=${COMPOSER_ROOT_VERSION} ${IMAGE_PHP} /bin/sh -c "${COMMAND}" SUITE_EXIT_CODE=$? ;; lintYaml) COMMAND="composer ci:yaml:lint" ${CONTAINER_BIN} run ${CONTAINER_COMMON_PARAMS} --name composer-command-${SUFFIX} -e COMPOSER_CACHE_DIR=.cache/composer -e COMPOSER_ROOT_VERSION=${COMPOSER_ROOT_VERSION} ${IMAGE_PHP} /bin/sh -c "${COMMAND}" SUITE_EXIT_CODE=$? ;; npm) COMMAND_PARTS=(npm "$@") ${CONTAINER_BIN} run ${CONTAINER_COMMON_PARAMS} --name npm-command-${SUFFIX} ${IMAGE_NODE} "${COMMAND_PARTS[@]}" SUITE_EXIT_CODE=$? ;; phpstan) COMMAND="composer ci:php:stan" ${CONTAINER_BIN} run ${CONTAINER_COMMON_PARAMS} --name composer-command-${SUFFIX} -e COMPOSER_CACHE_DIR=.cache/composer -e COMPOSER_ROOT_VERSION=${COMPOSER_ROOT_VERSION} ${IMAGE_PHP} /bin/sh -c "${COMMAND}" SUITE_EXIT_CODE=$? ;; phpstanGenerateBaseline) COMMAND="composer phpstan:baseline" ${CONTAINER_BIN} run ${CONTAINER_COMMON_PARAMS} --name composer-command-${SUFFIX} -e COMPOSER_CACHE_DIR=.cache/composer -e COMPOSER_ROOT_VERSION=${COMPOSER_ROOT_VERSION} ${IMAGE_PHP} /bin/sh -c "${COMMAND}" SUITE_EXIT_CODE=$? ;; unit) [ -z "${TEST_FILE}" ] && TEST_FILE="Tests/Unit" ${CONTAINER_BIN} run ${CONTAINER_COMMON_PARAMS} --name unit-${SUFFIX} ${XDEBUG_MODE} -e XDEBUG_CONFIG="${XDEBUG_CONFIG}" ${IMAGE_PHP} .Build/bin/phpunit -c Build/phpunit/UnitTests.xml ${EXTRA_TEST_OPTIONS} ${TEST_FILE} SUITE_EXIT_CODE=$? ;; unitRandom) [ -z "${TEST_FILE}" ] && TEST_FILE="Tests/Unit" ${CONTAINER_BIN} run ${CONTAINER_COMMON_PARAMS} --name unit-random-${SUFFIX} ${XDEBUG_MODE} -e XDEBUG_CONFIG="${XDEBUG_CONFIG}" ${IMAGE_PHP} .Build/bin/phpunit -c Build/phpunit/UnitTests.xml --order-by=random ${EXTRA_TEST_OPTIONS} ${PHPUNIT_RANDOM} ${TEST_FILE} SUITE_EXIT_CODE=$? ;; update) # pull typo3/core-testing-*:latest versions of those ones that exist locally echo "> pull ghcr.io/typo3/core-testing-*:latest versions of those ones that exist locally" ${CONTAINER_BIN} images ghcr.io/typo3/core-testing-*:latest --format "{{.Repository}}:latest" | xargs -I {} ${CONTAINER_BIN} pull {} echo "" # remove "dangling" typo3/core-testing-* images (those tagged as <none>) echo "> remove \"dangling\" ghcr.io/typo3/core-testing-* images (those tagged as <none>)" ${CONTAINER_BIN} images --filter "reference=ghcr.io/typo3/core-testing-*" --filter "dangling=true" --format "{{.ID}}" | xargs -I {} ${CONTAINER_BIN} rmi {} echo "" ;; *) loadHelp echo "Invalid -s option argument ${TEST_SUITE}" >&2 echo >&2 echo "${HELP}" >&2 if [ ${CONTAINER_BIN} = "docker" ]; then ${CONTAINER_BIN} network rm ${NETWORK} >/dev/null else ${CONTAINER_BIN} network rm -f ${NETWORK} >/dev/null fi exit 1 ;; esac cleanUp # Print summary echo "" >&2 echo "###########################################################################" >&2 echo "Result of ${TEST_SUITE}" >&2 if [[ ${IS_CORE_CI} -eq 1 ]]; then echo "Environment: CI" >&2 else echo "Environment: local" >&2 fi if [[ ${TEST_SUITE} =~ ^(npm|lintCss|lintJs)$ ]]; then echo "NODE: ${NODE_VERSION}" >&2 else echo "PHP: ${PHP_VERSION}" >&2 echo "TYPO3: ${CORE_VERSION}" >&2 fi echo "CONTAINER_BIN: ${CONTAINER_BIN}" if [[ ${TEST_SUITE} =~ ^functional$ ]]; then case "${DBMS}" in mariadb|mysql) echo "DBMS: ${DBMS} version ${DBMS_VERSION} driver ${DATABASE_DRIVER}" >&2 ;; postgres) echo "DBMS: ${DBMS} version ${DBMS_VERSION} driver pdo_pgsql" >&2 ;; sqlite) echo "DBMS: ${DBMS} driver pdo_sqlite" >&2 ;; esac fi if [[ ${SUITE_EXIT_CODE} -eq 0 ]]; then echo "SUCCESS" >&2 else echo "FAILURE" >&2 fi echo "###########################################################################" >&2 echo "" >&2 # Exit with code of test suite - This script return non-zero if the executed test failed. exit $SUITE_EXIT_CODE