diff --git a/Build/Scripts/runTests.sh b/Build/Scripts/runTests.sh index 610ba87..9b2ef64 100755 --- a/Build/Scripts/runTests.sh +++ b/Build/Scripts/runTests.sh @@ -149,19 +149,19 @@ Options: - cleanRenderedDocumentation: clean up rendered documentation files and folders (Documentation-GENERATED-temp) - cleanTests: clean up test related files and folders - composer: "composer" with all remaining arguments dispatched. + - composerUnused: Finds unused Composer packages. - composerUpdateMax: "composer update", with no platform.php config. - composerUpdateMin: "composer update --prefer-lowest", with platform.php set to PHP version x.x.0. - - composerUnused: Finds unused Composer packages. - docsGenerate: Renders the extension ReST documentation. - functional: PHP functional tests - - lintTypoScript: TypoScript linting - - lintPhp: PHP linting + - lintCss: CSS file linting. Set -n for dry-run. - lintJs: JavaScript file linting. Set -n for dry-run. - lintJson: JSON linting - - lintCss: CSS file linting. Set -n for dry-run. + - lintPhp: PHP linting + - lintTypoScript: TypoScript linting - lintYaml: YAML linting - - phpstan: phpstan tests - - phpstanGenerateBaseline: regenerate phpstan baseline, handy after phpstan updates + - phpstan: PHPStan tests + - phpstanGenerateBaseline: regenerate PHPStan baseline, handy after PHPStan updates - shellcheck: check runTests.sh for shell issues - unit (default): PHP unit tests - unitRandom: PHP unit tests in random order, add -o to use specific seed @@ -184,10 +184,10 @@ Options: -d Only with -s functional|functionalDeprecated Specifies on which DBMS tests are performed - - sqlite: (default): use sqlite - mariadb: use mariadb - mysql: use MySQL - postgres: use postgres + - sqlite: (default): use sqlite -i version Specify a specific database version