.. _highlight: bash About ===== Small wrapper around `faker`_ and `Doctrine DBAL`_ to seed MySQL Tables with dummy data. Because no other found solution did work out of the box. Installation ============ Run:: composer update Usage ===== Provide a configuration somewhere, containing necessary database connection information and data seed information. Call ``fake:mysql`` with configuration file and table name:: ./app fake:mysql configs/typo3_downloads.yml tx_downloadcounter_domain_model_download An example file is provided. Userfunctions ============= You can define custom PHP Code to provide information for each column. Configuration ============= The configuration has two sections, ``database`` and ``data``. ``database`` is just a plain key-value array passed to doctrines dbal. So take a look at http://docs.doctrine-project.org/projects/doctrine-dbal/en/latest/reference/configuration.html for further information. ``data`` is a key-value pair of column names and information which data to use. The structure is like the following: .. code:: yml pid: type: static Where ``pid`` is the column name and ``type`` defines how to get the data to use. The following types are supported: ``static`` Uses the value of ``value`` as static value. E.g.: .. code:: yml pid: type: static value: 1 ``userfunc`` Uses a user defined function defined by ``class`` and ``method``. .. code:: yml name: type: userfunc class: DSiepmann\Userfunction\RepeatingFilenames method: filename ``faker`` Uses a formatter defined by `faker`_. .. code:: yml date: type: faker formatter: dateTime .. _faker: https://github.com/fzaninotto/Faker .. _Doctrine DBAL: http://www.doctrine-project.org/projects/dbal.html