{ config, pkgs, ... }: { imports = [ ./home/modules/programs/cmus.nix ./home/modules/programs/languagetool.nix ./home/modules/programs/mailhog.nix ]; # Home Manager needs a bit of information about you and the # paths it should manage. home.username = "daniels"; home.homeDirectory = "/home/daniels"; # This value determines the Home Manager release that your # configuration is compatible with. This helps avoid breakage # when a new Home Manager release introduces backwards # incompatible changes. # # You can update Home Manager without changing this value. See # the Home Manager release notes for a list of state version # changes in each release. home.stateVersion = "22.05"; # Let Home Manager install and manage itself. programs.home-manager.enable = true; # Install packages # Some are installed via `programs` below, as they are also configured. # Some packages don't have a module for configuration, and are configured via `home.file` below. home.packages = [ pkgs.nix pkgs.cacert # System tools pkgs.dmenu pkgs.networkmanager_dmenu pkgs.dunst pkgs.st # Dev tools pkgs.litecli pkgs.mycli pkgs.robo3t pkgs.mkcert pkgs.tig pkgs.universal-ctags pkgs.silver-searcher # Media pkgs.vlc pkgs.yt-dlp ]; programs = { git = import ./home/programs/git.nix { inherit pkgs; }; htop = import ./home/programs/htop.nix { inherit config; }; tmux = import ./home/programs/tmux.nix { }; zsh = import ./home/programs/zsh.nix { inherit config; inherit pkgs; }; # Media cmus.enable = true; }; home.file = { ".myclirc".source = ./home/files/myclirc; ".agignore".source = ./home/files/agignore; }; xdg.configFile = { "ctags/config".source = ./home/files/ctags; "litecli/config".source = ./home/files/litecli; "phpactor/phpactor.yml".source = ./home/files/phpactor.yml; "tig/config".source = ./home/files/tig; "nix/nix.conf".source = ./home/files/nix.conf; "cmus/smyckblue.theme".source = ./home/files/cmus/smyckblue.theme; "cmus/rc".source = ./home/files/cmus/rc; "i3/config".source = ./home/files/i3; "i3blocks/config".source = ./home/files/i3-blocks; }; xdg.desktopEntries.networkmanager-dmenu = { type = "Application"; exec = "${pkgs.networkmanager_dmenu}/bin/networkmanager_dmenu"; name = "Networkmanager dmenu"; comment = "Networkmanaging using dmenu"; genericName = "Networkmanager Setting"; categories = [ "Network" ]; }; services.dunst = import ./home/services/dunst.nix; services.mailhog.enable = true; services.languagetool.enable = true; }