{ pkgs, config, lib, ... }: { imports = [ ./lib/mkcert.nix ./domains/mailhog.localhost.nix ./domains/tea-docs.typo3.localhost.nix ./domains/daniel-siepmann.localhost.nix ./domains/monorepo.reuter.localhost.nix ]; options = { custom.web-development = { rootPath = lib.mkOption { type = lib.types.path; default = "/var/projects"; }; }; }; config = { services = { httpd = { enable = true; user = "daniels"; adminAddr = "apache@hikari.localhost"; extraModules = [ "info" "rewrite" "proxy" "proxy_fcgi" ]; virtualHosts."localhost".locations."/server-info" = { extraConfig = '' SetHandler server-info Require local ''; }; }; mysql = { enable = true; package = pkgs.mariadb; ensureUsers = [ { name = "daniels"; ensurePermissions = { "*.*" = "ALL PRIVILEGES"; }; } { # INITIALLY once change dev user to be identified by password # alter user dev@localhost IDENTIFIED VIA mysql_native_password USING PASSWORD('dev'); name = "dev"; ensurePermissions = { # TODO: Auto build from defined databases?! "own_danielsiepmann.*" = "ALL PRIVILEGES"; "reuter_reuter.*" = "ALL PRIVILEGES"; }; } ]; ensureDatabases = [ "testing" # Used by TYPO3 functional tests "testing_at" # Used by TYPO3 Acceptance tests ]; settings = { mysqld = { # sql_mode = "SRTICT_TRANS_TABLES;NO_ZERO_IN_DATE;NO_ZERO_DATE;ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO;NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION"; general_log = true; general_log_file = "/var/lib/mysql/query.log"; bind-address = ""; # = "/var/log/mysql/query.log"; }; }; }; }; systemd.tmpfiles.rules = [ # Would be cool to improve this somehow. # Current issues: The link is created once against nix store. # Changes are not reflected until reboot? "C ${config.custom.web-development.rootPath}/own/typo3-configuration - - - - ${config.users.users.daniels.home}/.local/share/typo3-configuration" ]; }; }