#!/bin/bash # i3lock -i /home/daniels/Pictures/urknall.png # TODO: Stop all software before logout # https://faq.i3wm.org/question/239/how-do-i-suspendlockscreen-and-logout.1.html#post-id-1927 chosen=$(echo -e "lock\nsuspend\nlogout" | dmenu -i) case "$chosen" in "lock") # See: https://faq.i3wm.org/question/5654/how-can-i-disable-notifications-when-the-screen-locks-and-enable-them-again-when-unlocking/index.html#post-id-5655 # suspend message display pkill -u "$USER" -USR1 dunst # guess i3lock via nix points to other PAM and therefore does not identify by password i3lock -c '#2E3436' # i3lock \ # --clock \ # --indicator \ # --pass-media-keys \ # --color=#2E3436 \ # --timecolor=#9CD9F0FF \ # --datecolor=#9CD9F0FF \ # --insidecolor=#2E3436FF \ # --ringcolor=#9CD9F0FF \ # --insidevercolor=#9CD9F0FF \ # --ringvercolor=#72B3CCFF \ # --veriftext="checking" # resume message display pkill -u "$USER" -USR2 dunst ;; "suspend") systemctl suspend ;; "logout") i3-msg exit ;; # "hibernate") # i3lock -c 2E3436 # systemctl hibernate # ;; *) exit 0 ;; esac