-- disable netrw at the very start of your init.lua (strongly advised) vim.g.loaded = 1 vim.g.loaded_netrwPlugin = 1 -- empty setup using defaults require("nvim-tree").setup({ sync_root_with_cwd = false, auto_reload_on_write = false, filesystem_watchers = { enable = false, }, view = { signcolumn = "yes", mappings = { list = { -- Keep original NERDtree mappings as I'm used to them { key = "x", action = "close_node", }, { key = "X", action = "collapse_all", }, { key = "O", action = "expand_all", }, { key = "s", action = "vsplit", }, { key = "C", action = "cd", }, { key = "U", action = "dir_up", }, { key = "I", action = "toggle_dotfiles", }, }, }, }, renderer = { add_trailing = true, indent_markers = { enable = true, }, icons = { show = { file = false, folder = false, folder_arrow = false, git = false, }, glyphs = { symlink = "", }, }, }, git = { enable = false, }, live_filter = { always_show_folders = false, }, }) -- TODO: Add x as mapping for close parent folder