" Function to test a specific URL. " Will output the response + response headers for the given URL. function! TestUrl(url) execute ":!wget -q -O - --no-check-certificate --server-response '" . a:url . "'" endfunction " Copy the current file name to clipboard function! CopyFileName() execute ':let @+ = expand("%:t")' endfunction " Copy the current relative file path to clipboard function! CopyRelativeFilePath() execute ':let @+ = expand("%")' endfunction " Copy the current full file path to clipboard function! CopyFullFilePath() execute ':let @+ = expand("%:p")' endfunction " Remove trailing whitespace function! StripTrailingWhitespace() execute ':%s/\s\+$//e' endfunction function! RemoveEmptyLines() execute ':g/^\s*$/d' endfunction function! ReplaceLineBreaks() execute ':%s/ /\r/g' endfunction function! SynStack() if !exists("*synstack") return endif echo map(synstack(line('.'), col('.')), 'synIDattr(v:val, "name")') endfunc function! SynStack() if !exists("*synstack") return endif echo map(synstack(line('.'), col('.')), 'synIDattr(v:val, "name")') endfunc function! StartDebugging() call DebuggingConfiguration() VdebugStart endfunc function! HiColors() let num = 255 while num >= 0 exec 'hi col_'.num.' ctermbg='.num.' ctermfg=white' exec 'syn match col_'.num.' "ctermbg='.num.':...." containedIn=ALL' call append(0, 'ctermbg='.num.':....') let num = num - 1 endwhile endfunction " Author: http://vimrcfu.com/snippet/116 function! Reg() reg echo "Register: " let char = nr2char(getchar()) if char != "\" execute "normal! \"".char."p" endif redraw endfunction function! SortParagraph() execute ":normal! vip:'<,'>sort\" endfunction " Generate .. _: anchor for headline. Cursor have to be on line with headline. function! SphinxAnchor() normal yyOPI.. _lguuA:V:s/ /-/g llr jj endfunction function! OpenUrl() if !exists('b:url') let b:commandToOpen = exists('b:commandToOpen') ? b:commandToOpen : 'open' let b:domain = exists('b:domain') ? b:domain : 'http://phptraining.local' let b:documentRoot = exists('b:documentRoot') ? b:documentRoot : getcwd() let b:path = exists('b:path') ? b:path : expand("%:p") let b:url = substitute(b:path, b:documentRoot, b:domain, "") endif silent! execute "!" . b:commandToOpen . " " . b:url endfunction nnoremap t :call OpenUrl() function! ConvertToTestFilename() let l:string = @r let l:testName = system('php /home/daniels/Projects/company/emoto2/reuterTypo3/htdocs/test.php "' . l:string . '"') execute(':normal i' . l:testName) endfunction function! OpenPHPUnitTestFilename() let l:fileExtension = expand('%:e') let l:filePath = expand('%:r:s?Classes?Tests/Unit?') execute(':vsplit ' . l:filePath . 'Test.' . l:fileExtension) execute(':normal ]]') endfunction function! StartProfiling() execute(':profile start profile.log') execute(':profile func *') execute(':profile file *') endfunc function! TelescopeCurrentComposerPackage() let l:filePath = split(expand('%:p:h'), '/') while !filereadable('/' . join(l:filePath + ['composer.json'], '/')) && len(l:filePath) let l:filePath = l:filePath[:-2] endwhile if len(l:filePath) execute(':Telescope find_files cwd=/' . join(l:filePath, '/')) else echom 'No composer package detected.' endif endfunc command! -nargs=0 Reg call Reg()