{ pkgs }: { enable = true; # Accordingly to neovim https://github.com/neovim/neovim/wiki/FAQ#esc-in-tmux-or-gnu-screen-is-delayed escapeTime = 10; keyMode = "vi"; shortcut = "t"; customPaneNavigationAndResize = true; resizeAmount = 5; aggressiveResize = true; # Use tmux with 256 colors. # Also see https://github.com/neovim/neovim/wiki/FAQ#colors-arent-displayed-correctly # Use screen instead of tmux as some tools might not be aware of tmux terminal = "screen-256color"; shell = "${pkgs.zsh}/bin/zsh"; sensibleOnTop = false; plugins = with pkgs.tmuxPlugins; [ { plugin = fzf-tmux-url; extraConfig = '' set -g @fzf-url-fzf-options '-p -y 1 -w 95% -h 75%' ''; } ]; extraConfig = builtins.readFile ../files/tmux; }