set background=dark set t_Co=256 colorscheme smyckblue set timeoutlen=1000 set ttimeoutlen=1000 set nonumber set cursorline set foldcolumn=0 set foldmethod=indent set foldlevelstart=1 set laststatus=2 " Don't jump to first line, e.g. on buffer switch set nostartofline " Extend completion using spelling if enabled for buffer. set complete+=kspell set completeopt=menu,menuone " Allow syntax highlighting and other file / language specific things syntax enable " Activate filetype detection and auto indent filetype plugin indent on " Show command in bottom of the screen set showcmd set showmode " More useful command-line completion set wildmenu " Auto-completion menu set wildmode=longest,list:full " Adjust splitting set splitbelow set splitright " Disable wrap of line set nowrap " Test line for wrapping: This should be a very long line with many characters and words so I can test whether this Line get's wrapped or not and how other settings like sidescroll are applied. set sidescrolloff=5 " Show current line in middle of screen set scrolloff=1000 " Custom highlighting match Todo /TODO\|NOTE\|todo\|TASK/ match ERROR /♥/