using System; static class QuestLogic { public static bool CanFastAttack(bool knightIsAwake) { throw new NotImplementedException("Please implement the (static) QuestLogic.CanFastAttack() method"); } public static bool CanSpy(bool knightIsAwake, bool archerIsAwake, bool prisonerIsAwake) { throw new NotImplementedException("Please implement the (static) QuestLogic.CanSpy() method"); } public static bool CanSignalPrisoner(bool archerIsAwake, bool prisonerIsAwake) { throw new NotImplementedException("Please implement the (static) QuestLogic.CanSignalPrisoner() method"); } public static bool CanFreePrisoner(bool knightIsAwake, bool archerIsAwake, bool prisonerIsAwake, bool petDogIsPresent) { throw new NotImplementedException("Please implement the (static) QuestLogic.CanFreePrisoner() method"); } }