# Hints ## General - [The Python Numbers Tutorial][python-numbers-tutorial] and [Python numeric types][python-numeric-types] can be a great introduction. ## 1. Estimate value after exchange - You can use the [division operator][division-operator] to get the value of exchanged currency. ## 2. Calculate currency left after an exchange - You can use the [subtraction operator][subtraction-operator] to get the amount of change. ## 3. Calculate value of bills - You can use the [multiplication operator][multiplication-operator] to get the value of bills. ## 4. Calculate number of bills - You need to divide `amount` into `denomination`. - You need to use type casting to `int` to get the exact number of bills. - To remove decimal places from a `float`, you can convert it to `int`. **Note:** The `//` operator also does floor division. But, if the operand has `float`, the result is still `float`. ## 5. Calculate leftover after exchanging into bills - You need to find the remainder of `amount` that does not equal a whole `denomination`. - The Modulo operator `%` can help find the remainder. ## 6. Calculate value after exchange - You need to calculate `spread` percent of `exchange_rate` using multiplication operator and add it to `exchange_rate` to get the exchanged currency. - The actual rate needs to be computed. Remember to add exchange _rate_ and exchange _fee_. - You can get exchanged money affected by commission by using divide operation and type casting to `int`. [division-operator]: https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/introduction.html#numbers [multiplication-operator]: https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/introduction.html#numbers [python-numbers-tutorial]: https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/introduction.html#numbers [python-numeric-types]: https://docs.python.org/3.9/library/stdtypes.html#numeric-types-int-float-complex [subtraction-operator]: https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/introduction.html#numbers