temp.removeBlankLines { search = #\r\n\r\n# replace { cObject = COA cObject { 1 = TEXT 1.char = 13 2 = TEXT 2.char = 10 } } useRegExp = 1 } # Creates persistent ParseFunc setup for non-HTML content. lib.parseFunc { makelinks = 1 makelinks { http { keep = {$styles.content.links.keep} extTarget = _blank } mailto { keep = path } } tags { a = TEXT a { current = 1 typolink { parameter.data = parameters:href title.data = parameters:title ATagParams.data = parameters:allParams # the target attribute takes precedence over config.intTarget target.ifEmpty.data = parameters:target # the target attribute takes precedence over the constant (styles.content.links.extTarget) # which takes precedence over config.extTarget # do not pass extTarget as reference, as it might not be set resulting in the string being # written to the target attribute extTarget.ifEmpty < config.extTarget extTarget.override.data = parameters:target } } pre = USER pre { userFunc = DanielSiepmann\DsSite\UserFunction\CodeHighlighting->preTag } } allowTags = a, abbr, acronym, address, b, bdo, big, blockquote, br, caption, center, cite, code, dd, del, dfn, dl, div, dt, em, h3, h4, h5, h6, hr, i, img, ins, kbd, label, li, link, ol, p, pre, q, s, samp, sdfield, small, span, strike, strong, sub, sup, title, tt, u, ul, var denyTags = * sword = <span class="ce-sword">|</span> constants = 1 nonTypoTagStdWrap { HTMLparser = 1 HTMLparser { keepNonMatchedTags = 1 htmlSpecialChars = 2 } } } # Creates persistent ParseFunc setup for RTE content (which is mainly HTML) based on the "default" transformation. lib.parseFunc_RTE < lib.parseFunc lib.parseFunc_RTE { # Processing <ol>, <ul> and <table> blocks separately externalBlocks = blockquote, div, dd, dl, ol, ul, pre externalBlocks { ol { stripNL = 1 stdWrap.parseFunc = < lib.parseFunc } ul < .ol pre { stripNl = 1 stdWrap.parseFunc < lib.parseFunc } div { stripNL = 1 callRecursive = 1 } blockquote < .div dl < .div dd < .div } plainTextStdWrap { replacement { 10 < temp.removeBlankLines 11 { search = #\r\n# replace = useRegExp = 1 } } } nonTypoTagStdWrap { encapsLines { encapsTagList = p,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,hr,dt remapTag.DIV = P nonWrappedTag = P innerStdWrap_all.ifBlank = } HTMLparser = 1 HTMLparser { keepNonMatchedTags = 1 htmlSpecialChars = 2 } } } lib.parseFunc_abstract < lib.parseFunc lib.parseFunc_abstract { plainTextStdWrap { replacement { 10 < temp.removeBlankLines } } nonTypoTagStdWrap { encapsLines { encapsTagList = p nonWrappedTag = P } } }