# Load default processing options imports: - {resource: "EXT:rte_ckeditor/Configuration/RTE/Processing.yaml"} - {resource: "EXT:rte_ckeditor/Configuration/RTE/Editor/Base.yaml"} editor: config: # Ensure that special characters are not converted to HTML entities style: definitions: - {name: "Inline Code", element: "code", classes: ['']} heading: options: - {model: 'paragraph', title: 'Paragraph'} - {model: 'formatted', view: 'pre', title: 'Code Block'} toolbar: items: - bold - italic - underline - strikethrough - subscript - superscript - '|' - removeFormat - '|' - bulletedList - numberedList - '|' - indent - outdent - '|' - blockQuote - '|' - link - '-' - style - heading - '-' - sourceEditing importModules: - '@typo3/rte-ckeditor/plugin/typo3-link.js' externalPlugins: typo3link: {route: "rteckeditor_wizard_browse_links"} processing: allowAttributes: [] HTMLparser_db: tags: ol: allowedAttribs: [] ul: allowedAttribs: [] code: allowedAttribs: [] pre: allowedAttribs: [] allowTagsOutside: - pre - blockquote - ul - ol - li - br