This repository will provide all you need to get you up and running with Behat and mink in a basic setup. # Install 1. [Install Composer]( 2. Clone the repository, or download. 3. Run `composer install` from within the repository. With `bin/behat -di` you can verify whether Behat works and the language is available to write website tests. ## For non headless browser Headless means without a GUI, just CLI. This is default for this setup. So all your tests are run without a GUI of an actual browser. To use a real browser like Firefox, you need to install selenium standalone server, in addition, by downloading from # Execute Per default you just can run your tests. Therefor execute: `bin/behat features`. If you wanna see your tests running in real time inside the browser, or need a specific feature, you need to start the selenium server before running the tests. Start selenium server: `java -jar bin/selenium-server-standalone-2.48.2.jar`. Modify the call to match path and filename of downloaded server. Uncomment the line containing `default_session` in `behat.yml`, then run your tests again. # Extending Once the tests work you are set to start your own. Just follow the [official documentation]( and write your own tests. # Support Native support is given for Firefox. This repository aims to provide basic support to get you started. For full support contact us or dive deeper on your own. ## Further languages English for your tests works out of the box. But it also will provide further languages, e.g. German. To verify your language exists, run `./bin/behat --lang de -di`. If it exists, e.g. German in this case, you should get a list of available definitions. In addition you can run `./bin/behat --story-syntax --lang de` to get information how to write the stories in your language. Note, what the last command points out, you have to add the language at the beginning, with a leading `#`. E.g.: `# language: de`. # Further resources - - - ## For further features - PHPStorm plugin for Behat: - Diff Screenshots from Testsessions: - Web GUI for all your features: