{ "@context": { "cdb": "https://thuecat.org/ontology/cdb/1.0/", "dachkg": "https://thuecat.org/ontology/dachkg/1.0/", "dbo": "http://dbpedia.org/ontology/", "dsv": "http://ontologies.sti-innsbruck.at/dsv/", "epapp": "https://thuecat.org/ontology/epapp/1.0/", "foaf": "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/", "owl": "http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#", "rdf": "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#", "rdfs": "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#", "schema": "http://schema.org/", "sh": "http://www.w3.org/ns/shacl#", "thuecat": "https://thuecat.org/ontology/thuecat/1.0/", "ttgds": "https://thuecat.org/ontology/ttgds/1.0/", "xsd": "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#" }, "@graph": [ { "@id": "https://thuecat.org/resources/497839263245-edbm", "@type": [ "schema:Place", "schema:Organization", "schema:LocalBusiness", "schema:Thing", "schema:TouristAttraction", "ttgds:OtherInfraStructure", "thuecat:OtherPOI", "thuecat:StrollingMile" ], "schema:address": { "@id": "genid-4205641db5894928b636fbc984941a62-b0", "@type": [ "schema:Intangible", "schema:PostalAddress", "schema:StructuredValue", "schema:Thing", "schema:ContactPoint" ], "schema:addressCountry": { "@type": "thuecat:AddressCountry", "@value": "thuecat:Germany" }, "schema:addressLocality": { "@language": "de", "@value": "Erfurt" }, "schema:addressRegion": { "@type": "thuecat:AddressFederalState", "@value": "thuecat:Thuringia" }, "schema:postalCode": { "@language": "de", "@value": "99084" }, "schema:streetAddress": { "@language": "de", "@value": "Waagegasse" }, "thuecat:typOfAddress": { "@type": "thuecat:TypOfAddress", "@value": "thuecat:HouseAddress" } }, "schema:audience": [ { "@id": "https://thuecat.org/resources/290287712606-zkwq" }, { "@id": "https://thuecat.org/resources/312868368592-wnce" }, { "@id": "https://thuecat.org/resources/301753337945-akzy" }, { "@id": "https://thuecat.org/resources/304061111979-rmed" } ], "schema:containedInPlace": { "@id": "https://thuecat.org/resources/043064193523-jcyt" }, "schema:containsPlace": { "@id": "https://thuecat.org/resources/165868194223-zmqf" }, "schema:description": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": "Die Waagegasse mag zun\u00e4chst unspektakul\u00e4r erscheinen, ist aber eine bemerkenswert alte und f\u00fcr die Erfurter Geschichte sehr bedeutsame Stra\u00dfe. Denn hier wurden s\u00e4mtliche H\u00e4ndler, die Erfurt passieren und/oder in Erfurt handeln wollten, durchgef\u00fchrt. Die Stra\u00dfe ist genauso breit wie ein Fuhrwerk, sodass jeder einzeln durchgeschleust werden konnte. Jede Kutsche wurde hier gewogen, je nach Wert Steuern erhoben und die Ware wurde drei Tage in den heute noch sichtbaren Stapelh\u00e4usern gelagert.\nHeute spielt die Waagegasse vor allem als \"Schleichweg\" zwischen Michaelis- und Allerheiligenstra\u00dfe, als Zugang zur Alten Synagoge und nat\u00fcrlich bei zahlreichen Stadtf\u00fchrungen eine Rolle." }, { "@language": "fr", "@value": "La Waagegasse peut sembler peu spectaculaire au premier abord, mais il s'agit d'une rue remarquablement ancienne et tr\u00e8s importante pour l'histoire d'Erfurt. En effet, tous les marchands qui voulaient passer par Erfurt et/ou faire du commerce \u00e0 Erfurt passaient par ici. La rue est aussi large qu'un carrosse, de sorte que l'on pouvait faire passer chacun d'eux individuellement. Chaque chariot \u00e9tait pes\u00e9 ici, des taxes \u00e9taient pr\u00e9lev\u00e9es en fonction de sa valeur et les marchandises \u00e9taient stock\u00e9es pendant trois jours dans les maisons d'empilage qui sont encore visibles aujourd'hui.\nAujourd'hui, la Waagegasse joue surtout un r\u00f4le de \"chemin de traverse\" entre la Michaelisstrasse et l'Allerheiligenstrasse, d'acc\u00e8s \u00e0 l'ancienne synagogue et, bien s\u00fbr, dans de nombreuses visites de la ville." }, { "@language": "en", "@value": "The Waagegasse may seem unspectacular at first, but it is a remarkably old and very significant street for Erfurt's history. This is because all merchants who wanted to pass through Erfurt and/or trade in Erfurt passed through here. The street is as wide as a carriage, so that each one could be passed through individually. Each carriage was weighed here, taxes were levied according to its value and the goods were stored for three days in the stacking houses that are still visible today.\nToday, the Waagegasse plays a role primarily as a \"sneak path\" between Michaelisstrasse and Allerheiligenstrasse, as access to the Old Synagogue and, of course, on numerous city tours." }, { "@id": "genid-4205641db5894928b636fbc984941a62-b1", "@type": [ "schema:Intangible", "schema:Thing", "schema:ComputerLanguage", "thuecat:Html" ], "schema:value": { "@language": "de", "@value": "

Die Waagegasse mag zun\u00e4chst unspektakul\u00e4r erscheinen, ist aber eine bemerkenswert alte und f\u00fcr die Erfurter Geschichte sehr bedeutsame Stra\u00dfe. Denn hier wurden s\u00e4mtliche H\u00e4ndler, die Erfurt passieren und/oder in Erfurt handeln wollten, durchgef\u00fchrt. Die Stra\u00dfe ist genauso breit wie ein Fuhrwerk, sodass jeder einzeln durchgeschleust werden konnte. Jede Kutsche wurde hier gewogen, je nach Wert Steuern erhoben und die Ware wurde drei Tage in den heute noch sichtbaren Stapelh\u00e4usern gelagert.

Heute spielt die Waagegasse vor allem als \"Schleichweg\" zwischen Michaelis- und Allerheiligenstra\u00dfe, als Zugang zur Alten Synagoge und nat\u00fcrlich bei zahlreichen Stadtf\u00fchrungen eine Rolle.

" } }, { "@id": "genid-4205641db5894928b636fbc984941a62-b2", "@type": [ "schema:Intangible", "schema:Thing", "schema:ComputerLanguage", "thuecat:Html" ], "schema:value": { "@language": "en", "@value": "

The Waagegasse may seem unspectacular at first, but it is a remarkably old and very significant street for Erfurt's history. This is because all merchants who wanted to pass through Erfurt and/or trade in Erfurt passed through here. The street is as wide as a carriage, so that each one could be passed through individually. Each carriage was weighed here, taxes were levied according to its value and the goods were stored for three days in the stacking houses that are still visible today.

Today, the Waagegasse plays a role primarily as a \"sneak path\" between Michaelisstrasse and Allerheiligenstrasse, as access to the Old Synagogue and, of course, on numerous city tours.

" } }, { "@id": "genid-4205641db5894928b636fbc984941a62-b3", "@type": [ "schema:Intangible", "schema:Thing", "schema:ComputerLanguage", "thuecat:Html" ], "schema:value": { "@language": "fr", "@value": "

La Waagegasse peut sembler peu spectaculaire au premier abord, mais il s'agit d'une rue remarquablement ancienne et tr\u00e8s importante pour l'histoire d'Erfurt. En effet, tous les marchands qui voulaient passer par Erfurt et/ou faire du commerce \u00e0 Erfurt passaient par ici. La rue est aussi large qu'un carrosse, de sorte que l'on pouvait faire passer chacun d'eux individuellement. Chaque chariot \u00e9tait pes\u00e9 ici, des taxes \u00e9taient pr\u00e9lev\u00e9es en fonction de sa valeur et les marchandises \u00e9taient stock\u00e9es pendant trois jours dans les maisons d'empilage qui sont encore visibles aujourd'hui.

Aujourd'hui, la Waagegasse joue surtout un r\u00f4le de \"chemin de traverse\" entre la Michaelisstrasse et l'Allerheiligenstrasse, d'acc\u00e8s \u00e0 l'ancienne synagogue et, bien s\u00fbr, dans de nombreuses visites de la ville.

" } } ], "schema:geo": { "@id": "genid-4205641db5894928b636fbc984941a62-b4", "@type": [ "schema:Intangible", "schema:StructuredValue", "schema:Thing", "schema:GeoCoordinates" ], "schema:latitude": { "@type": "schema:Number", "@value": "50.97868297541305" }, "schema:longitude": { "@type": "schema:Number", "@value": "11.027608736826844" } }, "schema:hasMap": { "@type": "schema:URL", "@value": "https://www.google.de/maps/@50.9787007,11.0277439,21z" }, "schema:image": [ { "@id": "https://thuecat.org/resources/dms_653435" }, { "@id": "https://thuecat.org/resources/dms_653458" }, { "@id": "https://thuecat.org/resources/dms_653546" }, { "@id": "https://thuecat.org/resources/dms_653571" }, { "@id": "https://thuecat.org/resources/dms_5319657" }, { "@id": "https://thuecat.org/resources/dms_5319686" } ], "schema:name": { "@language": "de", "@value": "Waagegasse Erfurt" }, "schema:petsAllowed": { "@type": "schema:Boolean", "@value": "true" }, "schema:photo": { "@id": "https://thuecat.org/resources/dms_5319686" }, "schema:smokingAllowed": { "@type": "schema:Boolean", "@value": "true" }, "thuecat:contentResponsible": { "@id": "https://thuecat.org/resources/018132452787-ngbe" }, "thuecat:gastro": [ { "@type": "thuecat:GastroPoi", "@value": "thuecat:BarEnumMem" }, { "@type": "thuecat:GastroPoi", "@value": "thuecat:Restaurant" } ], "thuecat:sanitation": { "@type": "thuecat:Sanitation", "@value": "thuecat:ZeroSanitation" } } ] }