* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301, USA. */ use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase; use Prophecy\PhpUnit\ProphecyTrait; use WerkraumMedia\ThueCat\Domain\Import\JsonLD\Parser; use WerkraumMedia\ThueCat\Domain\Import\JsonLD\Parser\Address; use WerkraumMedia\ThueCat\Domain\Import\JsonLD\Parser\OpeningHours; /** * @covers WerkraumMedia\ThueCat\Domain\Import\JsonLD\Parser */ class ParserTest extends TestCase { use ProphecyTrait; /** * @test */ public function canBeCreated(): void { $openingHours = $this->prophesize(OpeningHours::class); $address = $this->prophesize(Address::class); $subject = new Parser( $openingHours->reveal(), $address->reveal() ); self::assertInstanceOf(Parser::class, $subject); } /** * @test */ public function returnsId(): void { $openingHours = $this->prophesize(OpeningHours::class); $address = $this->prophesize(Address::class); $subject = new Parser( $openingHours->reveal(), $address->reveal() ); $result = $subject->getId([ '@id' => 'https://example.com/resources/165868194223-id', ]); self::assertSame('https://example.com/resources/165868194223-id', $result); } /** * @test */ public function returnsManagerId(): void { $openingHours = $this->prophesize(OpeningHours::class); $address = $this->prophesize(Address::class); $subject = new Parser( $openingHours->reveal(), $address->reveal() ); $result = $subject->getManagerId([ 'thuecat:contentResponsible' => [ '@id' => 'https://example.com/resources/165868194223-manager', ], ]); self::assertSame('https://example.com/resources/165868194223-manager', $result); } /** * @test * @dataProvider titles */ public function returnsTitle(array $jsonLD, string $language, string $expected): void { $openingHours = $this->prophesize(OpeningHours::class); $address = $this->prophesize(Address::class); $subject = new Parser( $openingHours->reveal(), $address->reveal() ); $result = $subject->getTitle($jsonLD, $language); self::assertSame($expected, $result); } public function titles(): array { return [ 'json has multiple lanugages, one matches' => [ 'jsonLD' => [ 'schema:name' => [ [ '@language' => 'de', '@value' => 'DE Title', ], [ '@language' => 'fr', '@value' => 'FR Title', ], ], ], 'language' => 'de', 'expected' => 'DE Title', ], 'json has multiple lanugages, no language specified' => [ 'jsonLD' => [ 'schema:name' => [ [ '@language' => 'de', '@value' => 'DE Title', ], [ '@language' => 'fr', '@value' => 'FR Title', ], ], ], 'language' => '', 'expected' => 'DE Title', ], 'json has multiple languages, none matches' => [ 'jsonLD' => [ 'schema:name' => [ [ '@language' => 'de', '@value' => 'DE Title', ], [ '@language' => 'fr', '@value' => 'FR Title', ], ], ], 'language' => 'en', 'expected' => '', ], 'json has multiple languages, missing @language key' => [ 'jsonLD' => [ 'schema:name' => [ [ '@value' => 'DE Title', ], [ '@value' => 'FR Title', ], ], ], 'language' => 'en', 'expected' => '', ], 'json has single language, that one matches' => [ 'jsonLD' => [ 'schema:name' => [ '@language' => 'de', '@value' => 'DE Title', ], ], 'language' => 'de', 'expected' => 'DE Title', ], 'json contains single language, but another is requested' => [ 'jsonLD' => [ 'schema:name' => [ '@language' => 'de', '@value' => 'DE Title', ], ], 'language' => 'en', 'expected' => '', ], 'json contains single language, no language specified' => [ 'jsonLD' => [ 'schema:name' => [ '@language' => 'de', '@value' => 'DE Title', ], ], 'language' => '', 'expected' => 'DE Title', ], 'json contains single language, missing @language key' => [ 'jsonLD' => [ 'schema:name' => [ '@value' => 'DE Title', ], ], 'language' => '', 'expected' => '', ], ]; } /** * @test * @dataProvider descriptions */ public function returnsDescription(array $jsonLD, string $language, string $expected): void { $openingHours = $this->prophesize(OpeningHours::class); $address = $this->prophesize(Address::class); $subject = new Parser( $openingHours->reveal(), $address->reveal() ); $result = $subject->getDescription($jsonLD, $language); self::assertSame($expected, $result); } public function descriptions(): array { return [ 'json has multiple lanugages, one matches' => [ 'jsonLD' => [ 'schema:description' => [ [ '@language' => 'de', '@value' => 'DE Description', ], [ '@language' => 'fr', '@value' => 'FR Description', ], ], ], 'language' => 'de', 'expected' => 'DE Description', ], 'json has multiple lanugages, no language specified' => [ 'jsonLD' => [ 'schema:description' => [ [ '@language' => 'de', '@value' => 'DE Description', ], [ '@language' => 'fr', '@value' => 'FR Description', ], ], ], 'language' => '', 'expected' => 'DE Description', ], 'json has multiple languages, none matches' => [ 'jsonLD' => [ 'schema:description' => [ [ '@language' => 'de', '@value' => 'DE Description', ], [ '@language' => 'fr', '@value' => 'FR Description', ], ], ], 'language' => 'en', 'expected' => '', ], 'json has multiple languages, missing @language key' => [ 'jsonLD' => [ 'schema:description' => [ [ '@value' => 'DE Description', ], [ '@value' => 'FR Description', ], ], ], 'language' => 'en', 'expected' => '', ], 'json has single language, that one matches' => [ 'jsonLD' => [ 'schema:description' => [ '@language' => 'de', '@value' => 'DE Description', ], ], 'language' => 'de', 'expected' => 'DE Description', ], 'json contains single language, but another is requested' => [ 'jsonLD' => [ 'schema:description' => [ '@language' => 'de', '@value' => 'DE Description', ], ], 'language' => 'en', 'expected' => '', ], 'json contains single language, no language specified' => [ 'jsonLD' => [ 'schema:description' => [ '@language' => 'de', '@value' => 'DE Description', ], ], 'language' => '', 'expected' => 'DE Description', ], 'json contains single language, missing @language key' => [ 'jsonLD' => [ 'schema:description' => [ '@value' => 'DE Description', ], ], 'language' => '', 'expected' => '', ], ]; } /** * @test */ public function returnsContainedInPlaceIds(): void { $openingHours = $this->prophesize(OpeningHours::class); $address = $this->prophesize(Address::class); $subject = new Parser( $openingHours->reveal(), $address->reveal() ); $result = $subject->getContainedInPlaceIds([ 'schema:containedInPlace' => [ ['@id' => 'https://thuecat.org/resources/043064193523-jcyt'], ['@id' => 'https://thuecat.org/resources/349986440346-kbkf'], ['@id' => 'https://thuecat.org/resources/794900260253-wjab'], ['@id' => 'https://thuecat.org/resources/476888881990-xpwq'], ['@id' => 'https://thuecat.org/resources/573211638937-gmqb'], ], ]); self::assertSame([ 'https://thuecat.org/resources/043064193523-jcyt', 'https://thuecat.org/resources/349986440346-kbkf', 'https://thuecat.org/resources/794900260253-wjab', 'https://thuecat.org/resources/476888881990-xpwq', 'https://thuecat.org/resources/573211638937-gmqb', ], $result); } /** * @test */ public function returnsLanguages(): void { $openingHours = $this->prophesize(OpeningHours::class); $address = $this->prophesize(Address::class); $subject = new Parser( $openingHours->reveal(), $address->reveal() ); $result = $subject->getLanguages([ 'schema:availableLanguage' => [ 0 => [ '@type' => 'thuecat:Language', '@value' => 'thuecat:German', ], 1 => [ '@type' => 'thuecat:Language', '@value' => 'thuecat:English', ], 2 => [ '@type' => 'thuecat:Language', '@value' => 'thuecat:French', ], ], ]); self::assertSame([ 'de', 'en', 'fr', ], $result); } /** * @test */ public function throwsExceptionOnUnkownLanguage(): void { $openingHours = $this->prophesize(OpeningHours::class); $address = $this->prophesize(Address::class); $subject = new Parser( $openingHours->reveal(), $address->reveal() ); $this->expectExceptionCode(1612367481); $result = $subject->getLanguages([ 'schema:availableLanguage' => [ 0 => [ '@type' => 'thuecat:Language', '@value' => 'thuecat:Unkown', ], ], ]); } /** * @test */ public function returnsNoLanguagesIfInfoIsMissing(): void { $openingHours = $this->prophesize(OpeningHours::class); $address = $this->prophesize(Address::class); $subject = new Parser( $openingHours->reveal(), $address->reveal() ); $result = $subject->getLanguages([]); self::assertSame([], $result); } /** * @test */ public function returnsOpeningHours(): void { $jsonLD = [ 'schema:openingHoursSpecification' => [ '@id' => 'genid-28b33237f71b41e3ad54a99e1da769b9-b13', 'schema:opens' => [ '@type' => 'schema:Time', '@value' => '10:00:00', ], ], ]; $generatedOpeningHours = [ 'opens' => '10:00:00', 'closes' => '', 'from' => null, 'through' => null, 'daysOfWeek' => [], ]; $openingHours = $this->prophesize(OpeningHours::class); $openingHours->get($jsonLD)->willReturn($generatedOpeningHours); $address = $this->prophesize(Address::class); $subject = new Parser( $openingHours->reveal(), $address->reveal() ); $result = $subject->getOpeningHours($jsonLD); self::assertSame($generatedOpeningHours, $result); } /** * @test */ public function returnsAddress(): void { $jsonLD = [ 'schema:address' => [ '@id' => 'genid-28b33237f71b41e3ad54a99e1da769b9-b0', 'schema:addressLocality' => [ '@language' => 'de', '@value' => 'Erfurt', ], ], ]; $generatedAddress = [ 'street' => '', 'zip' => '', 'city' => 'Erfurt', 'email' => '', 'phone' => '', 'fax' => '', ]; $openingHours = $this->prophesize(OpeningHours::class); $address = $this->prophesize(Address::class); $address->get($jsonLD)->willReturn($generatedAddress); $subject = new Parser( $openingHours->reveal(), $address->reveal() ); $result = $subject->getAddress($jsonLD); self::assertSame($generatedAddress, $result); } }