* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301, USA. */ namespace WerkraumMedia\ThueCat\Tests\Functional\Import\EntityMapping; use PHPUnit\Framework\Attributes\Test; use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase; use WerkraumMedia\ThueCat\Domain\Import\EntityMapper\JsonDecode; class JsonDecodingTest extends TestCase { #[Test] public function canBeCreated(): void { $subject = new JsonDecode(); self::assertInstanceOf( JsonDecode::class, $subject ); } #[Test] public function decodesPropertyWithMultipleLanguagesProvidingActiveOne(): void { $subject = new JsonDecode(); $result = $subject->decode((string)json_encode([ 'schema:name' => [ [ '@language' => 'de', '@value' => 'Deutscher Text', ], [ '@language' => 'en', '@value' => 'English Text', ], ], ]), 'json', [ JsonDecode::ACTIVE_LANGUAGE => 'en', ]); self::assertSame([ 'name' => 'English Text', ], $result); } #[Test] public function decodesPropertyWithSingleLanguageMatchingActive(): void { $subject = new JsonDecode(); $result = $subject->decode((string)json_encode([ 'schema:name' => [ '@language' => 'en', '@value' => 'English Text', ], ]), 'json', [ JsonDecode::ACTIVE_LANGUAGE => 'en', ]); self::assertSame([ 'name' => 'English Text', ], $result); } #[Test] public function decodesPropertyWithSingleLanguageNotMatchingActive(): void { $subject = new JsonDecode(); $result = $subject->decode((string)json_encode([ 'schema:name' => [ '@language' => 'de', '@value' => 'German Text', ], ]), 'json', [ JsonDecode::ACTIVE_LANGUAGE => 'en', ]); self::assertSame([ 'name' => '', ], $result); } #[Test] public function decodesPropertyWithMultipleLanguagesAndFormatsProvidingActiveLanguage(): void { $subject = new JsonDecode(); $result = $subject->decode((string)json_encode([ 'schema:description' => [ 0 => [ '@language' => 'en', '@value' => 'English plain', ], 1 => [ '@language' => 'de', '@value' => 'Deutsch plain', ], 2 => [ '@id' => 'genid-7bb7d92bd6624bdf84634c86e8acdbb4-b1', '@type' => [ 0 => 'thuecat:Html', ], 'schema:value' => [ '@language' => 'de', '@value' => 'Deutsch HTML', ], ], 3 => [ '@id' => 'genid-7bb7d92bd6624bdf84634c86e8acdbb4-b2', '@type' => [ 0 => 'thuecat:Html', ], 'schema:value' => [ '@language' => 'en', '@value' => 'English HTML', ], ], ], ]), 'json', [ JsonDecode::ACTIVE_LANGUAGE => 'en', ]); self::assertSame([ 'description' => 'English plain', ], $result); } #[Test] public function decodesPropertyWithMultipleLanguagesNotMatchingRequestOne(): void { $subject = new JsonDecode(); $result = $subject->decode((string)json_encode([ 'schema:description' => [ 0 => [ '@language' => 'en', '@value' => 'English plain', ], 1 => [ '@language' => 'de', '@value' => 'Deutsch plain', ], ], ]), 'json', [ JsonDecode::ACTIVE_LANGUAGE => 'fr', ]); self::assertSame([ 'description' => '', ], $result); } #[Test] public function decodesSingleValueNotRelatedToLanguage(): void { $subject = new JsonDecode(); $result = $subject->decode((string)json_encode([ 'schema:geo' => [ 'schema:latitude' => [ '@type' => 'schema:Number', '@value' => '50.978772', ], 'schema:longitude' => [ '@type' => 'schema:Number', '@value' => '11.031622', ], ], ]), 'json', [ JsonDecode::ACTIVE_LANGUAGE => 'en', ]); self::assertSame([ 'geo' => [ 'latitude' => '50.978772', 'longitude' => '11.031622', ], ], $result); } #[Test] public function decodesNestedObjectStructures(): void { $subject = new JsonDecode(); $result = $subject->decode((string)json_encode([ '@id' => 'https://thuecat.org/resources/835224016581-dara', 'schema:name' => [ '@language' => 'en', '@value' => 'Cathedral of St. Mary', ], 'schema:photo' => [ '@id' => 'https://thuecat.org/resources/dms_5159216', ], 'schema:image' => [ 0 => [ '@id' => 'https://thuecat.org/resources/dms_5159186', ], 1 => [ '@id' => 'https://thuecat.org/resources/dms_5159216', ], ], 'thuecat:contentResponsible' => [ '@id' => 'https://thuecat.org/resources/018132452787-ngbe', ], ]), 'json', [ JsonDecode::ACTIVE_LANGUAGE => 'en', ]); self::assertSame([ 'id' => 'https://thuecat.org/resources/835224016581-dara', 'name' => 'Cathedral of St. Mary', 'photo' => [ 'id' => 'https://thuecat.org/resources/dms_5159216', ], 'image' => [ 0 => [ 'id' => 'https://thuecat.org/resources/dms_5159186', ], 1 => [ 'id' => 'https://thuecat.org/resources/dms_5159216', ], ], 'contentResponsible' => [ 'id' => 'https://thuecat.org/resources/018132452787-ngbe', ], ], $result); } #[Test] public function decodesOpeningHours(): void { $subject = new JsonDecode(); $result = $subject->decode((string)json_encode([ 'schema:openingHoursSpecification' => [ 0 => [ '@id' => 'genid-7bb7d92bd6624bdf84634c86e8acdbb4-b4', 'schema:closes' => [ '@type' => 'schema:Time', '@value' => '18:00:00', ], 'schema:dayOfWeek' => [ 0 => [ '@type' => 'schema:DayOfWeek', '@value' => 'schema:Saturday', ], 1 => [ '@type' => 'schema:DayOfWeek', '@value' => 'schema:Friday', ], 2 => [ '@type' => 'schema:DayOfWeek', '@value' => 'schema:Thursday', ], 3 => [ '@type' => 'schema:DayOfWeek', '@value' => 'schema:Tuesday', ], 4 => [ '@type' => 'schema:DayOfWeek', '@value' => 'schema:Monday', ], 5 => [ '@type' => 'schema:DayOfWeek', '@value' => 'schema:Wednesday', ], ], 'schema:opens' => [ '@type' => 'schema:Time', '@value' => '09:30:00', ], 'schema:validFrom' => [ '@type' => 'schema:Date', '@value' => '2021-05-01', ], 'schema:validThrough' => [ '@type' => 'schema:Date', '@value' => '2021-10-31', ], ], 1 => [ '@id' => 'genid-7bb7d92bd6624bdf84634c86e8acdbb4-b7', 'schema:closes' => [ '@type' => 'schema:Time', '@value' => '17:00:00', ], 'schema:dayOfWeek' => [ '@type' => 'schema:DayOfWeek', '@value' => 'schema:Sunday', ], 'schema:opens' => [ '@type' => 'schema:Time', '@value' => '13:00:00', ], 'schema:validFrom' => [ '@type' => 'schema:Date', '@value' => '2021-11-01', ], 'schema:validThrough' => [ '@type' => 'schema:Date', '@value' => '2022-04-30', ], ], ], ]), 'json', [ JsonDecode::ACTIVE_LANGUAGE => 'en', ]); self::assertSame([ 'openingHoursSpecification' => [ 0 => [ 'id' => 'genid-7bb7d92bd6624bdf84634c86e8acdbb4-b4', 'closes' => '18:00:00', 'dayOfWeek' => [ 0 => 'schema:Saturday', 1 => 'schema:Friday', 2 => 'schema:Thursday', 3 => 'schema:Tuesday', 4 => 'schema:Monday', 5 => 'schema:Wednesday', ], 'opens' => '09:30:00', 'validFrom' => '2021-05-01', 'validThrough' => '2021-10-31', ], 1 => [ 'id' => 'genid-7bb7d92bd6624bdf84634c86e8acdbb4-b7', 'closes' => '17:00:00', 'dayOfWeek' => 'schema:Sunday', 'opens' => '13:00:00', 'validFrom' => '2021-11-01', 'validThrough' => '2022-04-30', ], ], ], $result); } #[Test] public function keepsArrayOfValueAndTypeIfConfigured(): void { $subject = new JsonDecode(); $result = $subject->decode((string)json_encode([ 'thuecat:AccessibilitySearchCriteria' => [ 0 => [ '@type' => 'thuecat:facilityAccessibilityWalking', '@value' => 'thuecat:AllRoomsStepFreeAccess', ], 1 => [ '@type' => 'thuecat:facilityAccessibilityVisual', '@value' => 'thuecat:AssistanceDogsWelcome', ], 2 => [ '@type' => 'something else', '@value' => 'something else', ], ], ]), 'json', [ JsonDecode::ACTIVE_LANGUAGE => 'de', ]); self::assertSame([ 'AccessibilitySearchCriteria' => [ 0 => [ 'type' => 'thuecat:facilityAccessibilityWalking', 'value' => 'thuecat:AllRoomsStepFreeAccess', ], 1 => [ 'type' => 'thuecat:facilityAccessibilityVisual', 'value' => 'thuecat:AssistanceDogsWelcome', ], 2 => 'something else', ], ], $result); } }