.. include:: Includes.txt .. _configuration: ============= Configuration ============= .. _api-key: API Key ------- Some API requests are only possible by providing an API Key. This key can be configured via "Extension Configuration". .. _storage-pids: Storage Pids ------------ The configuration of imports is stored within TYPO3 records. Those records can be created via backend module. Each new record is stored on a default page. The default is ``0``. That would prevent editors from creating and editing records. This page uid can be configured via TypoScript:: module { tx_thuecat { settings { newRecordPid { tx_thuecat_import_configuration = 10 } } } } .. _import-configuration: Import configuration -------------------- Each import is defined via a special import configuration record. This record can be created via TYPO3 backend module. There are different configurations available: Static list of URLs Allows to define a list of URLs which should be imported. These URLs should reference a single resource to import without any given parameters like a format. Synchronization area Allows to import a so called "Synchronisationsbereich". Find out more at https://cms.thuecat.org/developer. Add the given ``syncScopeId`` to the configuration to update the given resources for that specific sync scope. This requires an configured :ref:`api-key`. All configurations also provide an input to define the page where records should be stored and updated.